Pokedex: a mobile app as the Pokedex from Pokémon game. This application contains all pokémons from generation 1. The project interface was made based on a prototype built for me on figma. Check the prototype here
The project was developed with the technologies below:
- Javacript
- Typescript
- React Native
- Axios
- ESLint
- Husky
- Jest
- Lint Staged
- Prettier
- React Navigation
- React Native Vector Icons
- React Native Testing Library
- React Hooks Testing Library
- Styled Components
- Clone :
$ git clone https://github.com/msvictor/pokedex.git
- Go to folder:
$ cd pokedex
- Execute:
$ npm install
# on android
$ npm run android
# or on ios
$ npm run ios
This project is under MIT LICENSE. for more details follow the link: LICENSE.