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Weathering Clouds

Code by Victor Gabriel

Javacript Typescript ReactNative Expo Jest Styled-Components eslint prettier husky

Weathering Clouds

⁉️ About

Weathering Clouds: a mobile application to see the weather condition. This application contain the informations of current day weather and also you can see the weather forecast of next five days. Check the prototype here

Project structure:
The main idea was develop a small "design system" with a theme and apply some concepts of atomic design in it. The structure contain four main folders: "common", "core", "mocks" and "modules".

in common module we have the theme config, the design system components, the assets of the project, the hooks and some utils functions. This module contain the files that can be used in whole project.

in core module we have the project configuration, on this module we have the files that make the project work like the global types, the main redux store, the app constants, the errors classes, the http providers, teh app routes, the main services, the translation file and the icon set map.

in mock module we have the files with some data fixed that can be used on tests.

in modules folder we have the files that can interact with each others, on this folders we have the app modules and in each module we have the app content: like app screens, the components used on the module, the services used on modules and the module redux reducer.

✨ The Application

Light Mode

splash dash forecast

Dark Mode

splash dash forecast

♦️ Techs

The project was developed with the technologies below:

📋 Docs

The Design System/Theme:


token size
xs 10
sm 12
md 14
lg 16
xl 18
2xl 20
3xl 24
4xl 28
5xl 32
6xl 64

How to use:

import { Text } from '#common/components/primitives';

<Text fontSize="4xl">
	 Text with 4xl

Font Family

token font
bold Ubuntu-Bold
italic Ubuntu-Italic
normal Ubuntu-Regular
300 Ubuntu-Light
400 Ubuntu-Regular
500 Ubuntu-Medium
700 Ubuntu-Bold

How to use:

import { Text } from '#common/components/primitives';

<Text fontWeight="500">
	 Text with font Ubuntu Medium

Border Radius

token radius
none 0
xs 2
sm 4
md 6
lg 8
xl 10
2xl 12
4xl 30
circle 99999

How to use:

import { View } from '#common/components/primitives';

<View rounded="circle">
	 View with border radius 99999


token spacing
none 0
xs 4
sm 6
md 8
lg 12
xl 24
2xl 32
3xl 64

How to use:

import { View } from '#common/components/primitives';

<View p="xl" mt="lg">
	 View with padding 24 and margin top of 12


token elevation
none 0
xs 1
sm 4
md 8
lg 12
xl 16
2xl 20

How to use:

import { View } from '#common/components/primitives';

<View bg="background" shadow="sm">
	 View with small shadow


token light dark
fxYellow #F7C50A #F7C50A
fxGray #8B959A #8B959A
fxLightBlue #4697EA #4697EA
fxLightest #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
fxDarkest #000051 #000051
background #F2FBFF #070737
text #566288 #F5F5F5
accent #F7430A #4697EA

How to use:

import { View, Text } from '#common/components/primitives';

<View bg="background">
	 View with background color  #F2FBFF on light theme and #070737 on dark theme

<Text color="text">
	 Text with text color #566288 on light theme and #F5F5F5 on dark theme

Tokens of components

token value
p padding
pt padding-top
pr padding-right
pb padding-bottom
pl padding-left
px padding-horizontal
py padding-vertical
ps padding-start
m margin
mt margin-top
mr margin-right
mb margin-bottom
ml margin-left
mx margin-horizontal
my margin-vertical
ms margin-start
rounded border-radius
roundedTopLeft border-top-left-radius
roundedTopRight border-top-right-radius
roundedBottomLeft border-bottom-left-radius
roundedBottomRight border-bottom-right-radius
roundedTop border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius
roundedLeft border-top-left-radius, border-bottom-left-radius
roundedRight border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius
roundedBottom border-bottom-left-radius, border-bottom-right-radius
borderWidth border-width
borderStartWidth border-start-width
borderEndWidth border-end-width
borderTopWidth border-top-width
borderLeftWidth border-left-width
borderRightWidth border-right-width
borderBottomWidth border-bottom-width
borderColor border-color
borderTopColor border-top-color
borderRightColor border-right-color
borderLeftColor border-left-color
borderBottomColor border-bottom-color
flex flex
flexDir flex-direction
flexWrap flex-wrap
flexShrink flex-shrink
justifyContent justify-content
alignSelf align-self
alignItems align-items
color color
fontSize font-size
fontStyle font-style
fontWeight font-weight
fontFamily font-family
lineHeight line-height
textAlign text-align
textTransform text-transform
letterSpacing letter-spacing
textDecorationLine text-decoration-line
textDecorationStyle text-decoration-style
textDecorationColor text-decoration-color
minH min-height
minW min-width
maxH max-height
maxW max-width
h height
w width
position position
top top
right right
bottom bottom
left left
bg background
bgImg background-image
bgMode background-mode
shadow shadow
shadowColor shadow-color
zIndex z-index
overflow overflow

:octocat:Clone this repo

First of all: this project use OpenWeatherMap Api, then to consume the weather-related data you need to create an api key at: This key will be used on .env file as a environment variables on API_KEY field.

  1. On command line terminal:
  1. Go to folder:
  $ cd weathering_clouds
  1. Configure:
  # ______LINUX / MACOS_______
  # make a copy of env file
  $ cp .env.staging .env
  # then edit it to add a OpenWeatherApi key to use
  $ vim .env
  # on edit mode add your key like below:

  # ______WINDOWS_______
  # make a copy of env file
  $ copy .env.staging .env
  # then open the file on text editor and add a OpenWeatherApi key to use
  # on text editor add your key like below:
  1. Add the dependencies
  $ yarn
  1. Run the app
  # on expo go app
  $ expo start

  # on android device
  $ yarn android

  # on ios device
  $ yarn ios

📝 License

This project is under MIT LICENSE. for more details follow the link: LICENSE.