Overview of vavr Validation API
Reference: https://softwaremill.com/javaslang-data-validation/
Reference: https://www.vavr.io/vavr-docs/#_validation
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/vavr-validation-api
The Validation
control is an applicative functor (
and facilitates
accumulating errors. When trying to compose Monads
, the
combination process will short circuit at the first encountered
error. But Validation
will continue processing the combining
functions, accumulating all errors. This is especially useful
when doing validation of multiple fields, say a web form, and
you want to know all errors encountered, instead of one at a time.
Preparing Validator
is quite straight-forward:
- combine validations with
method:static <E, T1, T2> Builder<E, T1, T2> combine(Validation<E, T1> validation1, Validation<E, T2> validation2)
- up to 8 arguments
- then use
function to get requested Validator:public <R> Validation<Seq<E>, R> ap(Function2<T1, T2, R> f)
- same number of arguments as combine
Note that this project is strongly based on regexes (although requires only basic knowledge). For more info about regexes please refer my other github project: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/java11-regex
- suppose we want to validate
:class PersonRequest { String name; AddressRequest address; List<String> emails; int age; }
with patterns:public class AddressRequest { String postalCode; String city; }
name ~ [\w]
:postalCode ~ [\d{2}-\d{3}]
city ~ [\w]
emails -> all email ~ [\w._%+-]+@[\w.-]+\.[\w]{2,}
age > 0
- we create classes that abstract concepts mentioned above
- age
@Value public class Age { int age; private Age(int age) { this.age = age; } public static Age of(int age) { Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0); return new Age(age); } }
- email / emails
@Value public class Email { public static final Predicate<String> VALIDATOR = Pattern.compile("[\\w._%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[\\w]{2,}") .asMatchPredicate(); String email; private Email(String email) { this.email = email; } public static Email of(@NonNull String email) { Preconditions.checkArgument(VALIDATOR.test(email)); return new Email(email); } public static Validation<List<String>, List<String>> validate(List<String> emails) { return emails.partition(VALIDATOR) .apply((successes, failures) -> failures.isEmpty() ? Validation.valid(successes) : Validation.invalid(failures.map(email -> email + " is not a valid email!"))); } }
@Value public class Emails { List<Email> emails; public Emails(@NonNull List<Email> emails) { this.emails = emails; } }
- postal code
@Value public class PostalCode { public static final Predicate<String> VALIDATOR = Pattern.compile("\\d{2}-\\d{3}").asMatchPredicate(); String postalCode; private PostalCode(String postalCode) { this.postalCode = postalCode; } public static PostalCode of(@NonNull String postalCode) { Preconditions.checkArgument(VALIDATOR.test(postalCode)); return new PostalCode(postalCode); } public static Validation<String, String> validate(String postalCode) { return VALIDATOR.test(postalCode) ? Validation.valid(postalCode) : Validation.invalid(postalCode + " is not a proper postal code!"); } }
- word
@Value public class Word { public static final Predicate<String> VALIDATOR = Pattern.compile("[\\w]+").asMatchPredicate(); String word; private Word(String word) { this.word = word; } public static Word of(@NonNull String word) { Preconditions.checkArgument(VALIDATOR.test(word)); return new Word(word); } public static Validation<String, String> validate(String word) { return VALIDATOR.test(word) ? Validation.valid(word) : Validation.invalid(word + " is not a proper word!"); } }
- age
- we provide validators (some mentioned above, but here
we get all validators together):
note that in the end we constructpublic class AddressRequestValidation { public static Validation<Seq<String>, ValidAddressRequest> validate(AddressRequest request) { return Validation .combine( Word.validate(request.getCity()), PostalCode.validate(request.getPostalCode())) .ap((city, postalCode) -> ValidAddressRequest.builder() .city(Word.of(city)) .postalCode(PostalCode.of(postalCode)) .build()); } }
:@Value @Builder public class ValidAddressRequest { PostalCode postalCode; Word city; }
- emails
public static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\w._%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[\\w]{2,}"); public static Validation<List<String>, List<String>> validate(List<String> emails) { return emails.partition(PATTERN.asMatchPredicate()) .apply((successes, failures) -> failures.isEmpty() ? Validation.valid(successes) : Validation.invalid(failures.map(email -> email + " is not a valid email!"))); }
- postal code
public static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d{2}-\\d{3}"); public static Validation<String, String> validate(String postalCode) { return PATTERN.matcher(postalCode).matches() ? Validation.valid(postalCode) : Validation.invalid(postalCode + " is not a proper postal code!"); }
- word
public static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\w]+"); public static Validation<String, String> validate(String word) { return PATTERN.matcher(word).matches() ? Validation.valid(word) : Validation.invalid(word + " is not a proper word!"); }
- positive number
public class NumberValidation { public static Validation<String, Integer> positive(int number) { return number > 0 ? Validation.valid(number) : Validation.invalid(number + " is not > 0"); } }
note that in the end we constructpublic class PersonRequestValidation { public static Validation<Seq<String>, ValidPersonRequest> validate(PersonRequest request) { return Validation .combine( Word.validate(request.getName()), Email.validate(request.getEmails()).mapError(error -> error.mkString(", ")), AddressRequestValidation.validate(request.getAddress()).mapError(error -> error.mkString(", ")), NumberValidation.positive(request.getAge())) .ap((name, emails, address, age) -> ValidPersonRequest.builder() .name(Word.of(name)) .emails(emails.map(Email::of).transform(Emails::new)) .address(address) .age(Age.of(age)) .build()); } }
:@Builder @Value public class ValidPersonRequest { Word name; ValidAddressRequest address; Emails emails; Age age; }
We provide full tests for this project, however here we
will show only the most important part - PersonRequestValidationTest
- completely valid
def "test validate - valid"() { given: def addressRequest = AddressRequest.builder() .city("Warsaw") .postalCode("00-001") .build() and: def validAddressRequest = ValidAddressRequest.builder() .city(Word.of("Warsaw")) .postalCode(PostalCode.of("00-001")) .build() and: def personRequest = PersonRequest.builder() .name("Michal") .age(1) .emails(List.of("[email protected]")) .address(addressRequest) .build() when: def report = PersonRequestValidation.validate(personRequest) then: report.isValid() report.get() == ValidPersonRequest.builder() .name(Word.of("Michal")) .age(Age.of(1)) .emails(new Emails(List.of(Email.of("[email protected]")))) .address(validAddressRequest) .build() }
- completely invalid
def "test validate - invalid"() { given: def addressRequest = AddressRequest.builder() .city("Warsaw^") .postalCode("a") .build() and: def personRequest = PersonRequest.builder() .name("Michal_") .age(-1) .emails(List.of("b")) .address(addressRequest) .build() when: def report = PersonRequestValidation.validate(personRequest) then: report.isInvalid() report.getError() == ["b is not a valid email!", "Warsaw^ is not a proper word!, a is not a proper postal code!", "-1 is not > 0"] as List }
- partially valid
def "test validate - partially valid"() { given: def addressRequest = AddressRequest.builder() .city("Warsaw") .postalCode("00-001") .build() and: def personRequest = PersonRequest.builder() .name("Michal") .emails(List.of("b")) .address(addressRequest) .build() when: def report = PersonRequestValidation.validate(personRequest) then: report.isInvalid() report.getError() == ["b is not a valid email!", "0 is not > 0"] as List }