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Jenkins shared library for vCloud automation via Linux PowerShell


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vcloud variables provide ability to control vCloud vApps and VMs via it's PowerShell API.

Please be sure to read Prerequisites section before using variables. Please be sure to read Usage section before using variables.


For proper functioning of vcloud variables you will need to prepare Jenkins.

Jenkins prerequisites

  1. PowerShell, SSH and WMI Windows Agents Plugin plugins installed for connecting to agents
  2. Credentials for accessing vCloud added to Jenkins.

VM prerequisites

  1. Powershell 2+ installed on Windows agents.


For vcloud variable usage you will need to add @Library annotation to the top of the Jenkinsfile and it would be good to import class that contain all methods you could use.

@Library('rnd-shared-library') _
import corp.resource.rnd.whitesource.vcloud.Vcloud()

Where 'rnd-shared-library' is a name of your shared library. _ sign at the end will import all variables/classes from library, and import corp.resource.rnd.whitesource.Whitesource will help you to reduce amount of symbols you use to initialize a class.

In a place where you want to run a new vCloud operation you need to create vCloud class instance, and set up some vCloud related variables

def server          = "vcloud.fqdn"
def catalog         = "Catalog_name"
def org             = "Organization_name"
def ovdc            = "OVDC_name"

def cloud = new corp.resource.rnd.vcloud.Vcloud()

After that you will be able to use variables like steps in Jenkinsfile.

steps {
    script {
        def vAppName = 'predefined_name_or_earlier_Pipeline_variable'
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'vcloud_access_id_in_Jenkins_credentials', passwordVariable: 'vc_passwd', usernameVariable: 'vc_user')]) {
   	        cloud.vapp_stop(vc_user, vc_passwd, vAppName, server, org)
            echo "vApp stopped"
            cloud.vapp_remove(vc_user, vc_passwd, vAppName, server, org, ovdc)
       	    echo "vApp removed"

List of available variables

Work is in progress.

Pipeline example

This is a basic full Pipeline example, currently it can be run only on windows slave agents

@Library('rnd-shared-library') _

def cloud = new corp.resource.rnd.vcloud.vcloud()

pipeline {
    agent { node { label "windows" } }
    options {
    	buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '5')
    parameters {
        string(name: 'vAppName', description: 'vApp name for creating', defaultValue: "" )
        string(name: 'vAppDescription', description: 'vApp default description, a reference to Jira or confluence page for vApp identification', defaultValue: "Default vApp description. Fill it, please for vApp identification" )
        string(name: 'template', description: 'The name of the template for cloning to the new vApp', defaultValue: "CI-Ansible-os-only" )
        string(name: 'catalog', description: 'vCloud Catalog name for template selection', defaultValue: "RND-Catalog-Name" )
        string(name: 'server', description: 'vCloud Server full host name', defaultValue: "vcloud.fqdn" )
        string(name: 'org', description: 'vCloud organization name', defaultValue: "RND" )
        string(name: 'ovdc', description: 'vCloud OVDC name', defaultValue: "OVDC-RND-01" )

    stages {
    	stage('Prepare Workspace') {
	    steps {
                script {
    	stage('vApp Create') {
            steps {
                script {
    	            withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'vcloud-username', passwordVariable: 'vcloud-passwd', usernameVariable: 'vcloud-user')]) {
            	    	cloud.vapp_create(vc_user, vc_passwd, vAppName, vAppDescription, server, org, ovdc, template, catalog)
		            echo "vApp Created: ${vAppName}"


Jenkins shared library for vCloud automation via Linux PowerShell







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