This project is boilerplate for Message Queueing Processing, in this project using MySQL Database, and using RabbitMQ Message Broker, and using AMQP for interacting with the RabbitMQ.
- Programming Language : Go
- Message Broker : RabbitMQ
- Database : MySQL
- Query Builder : DBR
- Architecture : Clean Architecture
Clone this project & Rename everything as your project
Then run these command
go mod tidy go mod download go mod verify
Create .env file, here is the example
DB_DRIVER="mysql" DB_HOST="localhost" DB_NAME="foobar" DB_PASSWORD="password" DB_PORT="3306" DB_USER="root" MQ_PORT="5672" MQ_USERNAME="guest" MQ_PASSWORd="guest" MQ_HOST="localhost" MODE="mq"
Create your database, and set the name inside .env file
Start your RabbitMQ service, and set the host,user,pass for connect to your RabbitMQ
Compiling project & Migrate tables defined inside db/schemas folder
go build -o mq.exe main.go mq.exe migrate --loadenv .env
Run the server
mq.exe run-server