An F# Wrapper around the dotnet-webassembly project, which is
A library able to create, read, modify, write and execute WebAssembly (WASM) files from .NET-based applications. Execution does not use an interpreter or a 3rd party library: WASM instructions are mapped to their .NET equivalents and converted to native machine language by the .NET JIT compiler.
- An idiomatic F# approach to generating and running WebAssembly programs.
- A little higher-level WebAssembly module generation toolkit than the base library provides.
- Compile-time safety for as many aspects of module generation as possible without sacrificing expressiveness nor using any of the more exotic F# features (e.g. code quotations).
At the moment, this library is very nascent, both in terms of the maturity of the abstraction and the completeness of the implementation (e.g. currently not all of the functionality of the base library is supported). However, here's a simple example that works now:
type FunctionId = A | B
type Exports =
abstract member A : int32 * int32 -> int32
abstract member B : unit -> int32
let moduleDefinition = {
Functions = [
{ Id = A
ParameterTypes = [ Int32; Int32 ]
ReturnType = Int32
Locals = []
Body = [ LocalGet 0u
LocalGet 1u
Call B
End ] }
{ Id = B
ParameterTypes = [ ]
ReturnType = Int32
Locals = []
Body = [ Int32Constant 2
End ] }
Globals = []
Exports = [ FunctionExport A; FunctionExport B ]
let m = generateModule moduleDefinition
let instanceCreator = m.Compile<Exports>()
use instance = instanceCreator.Invoke(WebAssembly.Runtime.ImportDictionary())
instance.Exports.A(1, 2)
// returns 5