You will need Docker and Docker Compose:
sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl start docker
Edit config/docker.env
according to your site. Then just run:
docker-compose up
This will build the Docker-container using the Dockerfile in the docker directory and start two containers. After a short time, you should be able to visit your new Wordpress site at http://localhost:8000/
The container models some aspects (directory structure) of Uberspace hosts and ensures development is done in an environment similar to the deploy target.
You will need composer
, which has to be installed on your uberspace:
curl -sS | php -- --filename=composer --install-dir=$HOME/bin
Clone the repository to a new folder within /var/www/virtual/$USER
cd $(readlink html)/..
git clone
cd wordpress
Adjust the webserver's document root settings by some symlinks. This is done by executing
Now create a suitable config file:
cp config/env.example config/production.env
ln -s config/production.env .env
Adjust the configuration settings to suitable values.
Install dependencies and setup Wordpress:
The website should now be accessible at your Uberspace.
Copyright 2017 Johannes Lauinger [email protected]
Released under the terms of the MIT license