A Yaml parser & emitter for managing contacts
1.Adding contact
2.List all the contact
- Quite
- Verbose
3.Show a perticular contact
Variable : fname
specify the file path to dump or to load from
Usage: parser.py [-h] [-a] [-ph] [-c] [-em] [-sh] [-ls | -v]
Yaml file loader and dumper for contacts
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a , --add_name Name of the contact
-ph , --phone_number phone number of contact
-c , --city city of contact
-em , --email email of the contact
-sh , --show show the contact
-ls, --list print list
-v, --verbose print verbose list
C:\>python parser.py -[add_name|a] Meher -[phone_number|ph] 7 -[city|c] meherabad -[email|em] gm
C:\>python test5.py --[show|sh] Meher
('Meher', {'Email': 'gm', 'city': 'meherabad', 'phone_number': 7})
C:\>python test5.py -[list|ls]
Meher: Email: gm city: meherabad phone_number: 7 kim: Email: null city: null phone_number: 888
C:\>python test5.py -[verbose|v]
list of contacts in file name: data.yaml are:
Meher: Email: gm city: meherabad phone_number: 7 kim: Email: null city: null phone_number: 888"