Download Simstar from the link:
A new version of SimStar is released. It has fixed step with syncronized mode and faster simulation features.
Python API also has been updated for this new release, you need to install Python API again.
Change Log:
Run simulation in server mode without a new window.
Flags are added every 200meters along the track.
Example eval script with a new evaluation track added. Lap progress and lap time is measured. Eval is fixed at 10hz sampling.
Checkout GymEnv/ for details.
Just click on Simstar.exe and Simstar is ready
cd Simstar
chmod 777 -R *
Create a new environment using anaconda.
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate final604
Install required python libraries from requirements.txt by
pip install -r requirements.txt
Follow the official guide from the link.
The final evaluation will be using pytorch version 1.5 and CUDA version 10.2.
cd PythonAPI
python install
There are multiple stages that needs to be checked.
Open the simstar executable, allow for networking if asked.
Run the following with success.
cd PythonAPI
cd GymEnv
To test a closed loop training with Pytorch, you can run the example DDPG agent from examples folder.
cd examples/pytorch