git clone --recursive
cd sitemap && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost ..
cmake --build . --config Release
# edit setting.conf
./sitemap ../setting.conf
# press ctrl+c to exit or wait until the program ends
- Multi-thread support.
- URL filtering with regular expressions.
- Support for many HTML elements and attributes, relative URLs.
- Configurable retries count and timeouts.
- Validating HTML markup.
- Create sitemap and sitemap index files.
- Automatically creates new sitemap files if limits is reached.
- HTTPS Support.
- Detailed information logs.
- Boost URL
- Boost Program_options
- Boost String Algo
- OpenSSL library for HTTPS support (set HTTPLIB_REQUIRE_OPENSSL=OFF flag to allow build if lib not found).
First page to parse.
By default, the program scans HTML documents and recursively handles each clickable link (<a>
, <area>
tags). Use this option to check other tags. All tags are listed in sitemap.cpp Tags_other
Subdomains will be processed, otherwise only the domain from parameter url will be processed.
Number of concurrent requests.
Number of milliseconds to wait before next request.
Number of retries if the request fails.
Limit redirect count to avoid infinite redirects.
Limit the amount of urls the crawler should crawl.
Use a specific network interface (is not available on Windows).
Example: bind_interface = eth0
Enables server certificate verification. If neither ca_cert_file_path
nor ca_cert_dir_path
is defined, the default locations will be used to load trusted CA certificates. If an error occurs during the verification process, the last error is logged to the error_reply log. Disabled by default.
Points to a file of CA certificates in PEM format. The file can contain several CA certificates identified by
... (CA certificate in base64 encoding) ...
sequences. Before, between, and after the certificates text is allowed which can be used e.g. for descriptions of the certificates. (Taken from OpenSSL man).
Points to a directory containing CA certificates in PEM format. The files each contain one CA certificate. The files are looked up by the CA subject name hash value, which must hence be available. If more than one CA certificate with the same name hash value exist, the extension must be different (e.g. 9d66eef0.0, 9d66eef0.1 etc). The search is performed in the ordering of the extension number, regardless of other properties of the certificates. Use the c_rehash utility to create the necessary links. (Taken from OpenSSL man). If ca_cert_file_path
is defined, this option will be ignored.
Format: filter = (regexp|get|ext) (exclude|include|skip) value
filter = regexp exclude ^https?:\/\/www\.sitename\.xx\/(articles|news)\/id\d+
- not visit url if it matches regexp
filter = get exclude sort
- not visit url if it has a sort
query parameter
filter = ext exclude png
- not visit url if it has a file and its extension is .png
filter = regexp include ^https?:\/\/www\.sitename\.xx\/(articles|news)\/id\d+
visit url if it matches regexp, and not vizit others
filter = get include sort
- visit url if it has a sort
query parameter and not visit other urls that have query params
filter = ext include php
- visit url if it has a file and its extension is .php
and not visit other urls that have a file
filter = regexp skip \/news\/id\d+\/?$
- not visit url if it matches regexp but add it to result (for sites with a large number of similar urls)
and ext
same as above.
Will generage sitemap XML from clickable links.
Directory where the sitemap and sitemap index files will be saved.
Sitemap file name. File number will be added at the end of the file name as there may be many files in case of exceeding the limits.
Output files: sitemap_all_main1.xml, sitemap_all_main2.xml...
Sitemapindex file name. Use this option to create a Sitemap index file containing a list of all generated Sitemap files. Full path of each Sitemap file will consist of parameter url
+ parameter xml_name
. If not set, Sitemapindex will not be generated.
Output file: sitemap_index.xml
Limit the size of xml file in megabyte. If exceeded, a new file is created.
Limit the amount of <url>
tags in file. If exceeded, a new file is created.
Adds an additional tag to each <url>
Format: xml_tag = tag_name tag_value [url]
xml_tag = priority 0.3 default
default value
xml_tag = priority 0.5 ^https?:\/\/www\.sitename\.xx\/about\/
value for specific url
xml_tag = priority 0.4 ^https?:\/\/www\.sitename\.xx\/contacts\/
value for specific url
Log files are written in CSV or XML formats, or displayed if the type = console
is set.
Log formats.
Example: type = console,csv,xml
Directory where the log files will be saved.
Overwrite log files instead of creating new ones.
If rewrite = off
, sets the maximum number of log files.
Delimeter in CSV files.
If an option from the list below is set, a corresponding log file will be created. The file name is the same as the parameter name without the log_ prefix.
Columns description:
Column | Description |
id | Identificator of page |
found | URL found on the page as is |
url | Handled URL with all parts (scheme, host etc.) |
id_parent | ID page where the url was found |
parent | Handled URL of the page where the URL was found |
time | HTTP response time |
is_html | Is page content is html |
try_cnt | Number of retries if the request fails |
cnt | Number of similar URLs found during the crawl |
charset | Charset of the page |
thread | Thread id |
msg | Errors, exceptions and info messages |
Urls with status_code != Success and status_code != Redirection, try limits, certificate errors.
Columns (csv, xml): msg,url,id_parent
Columns (console): msg,url,parent
Urls that returned redirect status.
Columns (csv, xml): url,id_parent
Columns (console): url,parent
HTML markup errors. Currently only checking for unclosed tags is supported.
Columns (csv, xml): url,id
Columns (console): url,url
Urls with bad format.
Columns (csv, xml): found,id_parent
Columns (console): found,parent
Urls that did not pass custom filters.
Columns (csv, xml): found,id_parent
Columns (console): found,parent
Urls whose content is not requested.
Columns (csv, xml): url,id_parent
Columns (console): url,parent
Verbose log.
Columns (csv, xml): id,parent,time,try_cnt,cnt,is_html,found,url,charset,msg
Columns (console): thread,time,url,parent
Errors, exceptions and info messages.
Columns: msg