Go CGO cross compiler in docker which is inspired by https://github.com/karalabe/xgo and https://github.com/techknowlogick/xgo but is much simpler and only contains docker files with no xgo command.
docker run --rm \
-v "$PWD"/build:/build \
-v "$GOPATH"/xgo-cache:/deps-cache:ro \
-v "$PWD":/source \
-e OUT=binary_name \
-e FLAG_V=false \
-e FLAG_X=false \
-e FLAG_RACE=false \
-e FLAG_LDFLAGS="-w -s" \
-e FLAG_BUILDMODE=default \
-e TARGETS="linux/amd64,darwin/amd64,windows/amd64" \
mysteriumnetwork/xgo:1.13.6 ./cmd/path/to/entrypoint
Also see and run ./test.sh to build test examples.
If you make changes in docker/base you need to rebuild base image.
docker build -t mysteriumnetwork/xgo:base -f ./docker/base/Dockerfile ./docker/base
docker push mysteriumnetwork/xgo:base
If you add new go version only when build and push.
Build new image.
docker build -t mysteriumnetwork/xgo:1.13.6 -f ./docker/go-1.13.6/Dockerfile .
Update and run tests.
Push image
docker push mysteriumnetwork/xgo:1.13.6