Scripts developed in Klose Lab to perform analysis of spike-in calibrated ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data. Contributed by Dr Hamish King ([email protected]), Dr Nadezda Fursova ([email protected]), and Dr Anne Turberfield. Used for the data analysis in the manuscript "BAP1 constrains pervasive H2AK119ub1 to control the transcriptional potential of the genome".
Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] with questions or problems.
Requirements for each script are listed individually, but most scripts rely on the use of basic read aligment and processing tools:
- FastQC
- Samtools
- BEDtools
- Sambamba
- WiggleTools
- UCSC tools
- DeepTools
- R
- MultiQC
Scripts performed on a list of files require the input in tab-limited format as indicated below:
file.bam SampleName
Used to align paired-end ChIP-seq reads against the concatenated genome (spike-in plus the genome of interest) for one sample. Produces two separate sorted and indexed bam files with uniquely mapped reads for the experimental and spike-in genomes, with PCR duplicates removed.
Used to align paired-end ChIP-seq reads against the concatenated genome (spike-in plus the genome of interest) for a list of fastq files. Internally calls
Used to subsample a certain fraction of reads for a list of bam files, with subsampling factors calculated based on the spike-in read normalisation as described in Fursova et al., 2019.
Generates bigwig tracks from bam files using a MACS2 pileup function.
Used to calculate chromosome-wide read coverage in 250 kb windows from bigwig files.
Used to plot chromosome-wide read coverage calculated using the ChIPseq_Calculate_Chromosome_Wide_Read_Coverage.R function.
Used to align paired-end RNA-seq reads against the concatenated genome (spike-in plus the genome of interest) for one sample. Produces two separate sorted and indexed bam files with uniquely mapped reads for the experimental and spike-in genomes, with PCR duplicates removed.
Used to align paired-end RNA-seq reads against the concatenated genome (spike-in plus the genome of interest) for a list of fastq files. Internally calls
Used to subsample a certain fraction of reads for a list of bam files, with subsampling factors calculated based on the spike-in read normalisation as described in Fursova et al., 2019.
Used to split bam files into two separate files containing reads mapping either to the forward or reverse strand in order to generate strand-specific bigWig files.
Annotates BED3 or BED4 file using from HOMER and converts it to a 9 column .gff file.
Used to count the number of mapped reads in the bodies of genes specified in a .gff file generated with
Converts a 9 column .gff file into a tab-delimited table for the subsequent analysis in R.
Used to perform differential gene expression analysis, with spike-in based normalisation incorporated into a DESeq2 pipeline.
Used to call RNAseq_DESeq2.R script to run it for multiple cell lines.