Current changelog
This plugin integrates MongoDB Servers with database/collections tree, Query Runner and Shell console.
This plugin was built with JDK 1.6 and ideaIC-12.1.4 version (Idea 11 is not supported anymore).
Download this plugin from your IDE (Mongo Plugin)
Warning : configurations will be broken, especially server url. You will have to set it again.
When you open the Mongo explorer, you will see an panel:
- To manager your Mongo servers, click on the Mongo Settings button located on the upper toolbar of the Mongo explorer Right Panel
- You can edit your mongo shell path with a test button
- To add a server, click on the [+] button and a dialog will appear
- Set a label for your server, this will be more convenient to distinguish each of them in the Mongo explorer
- Set the server info as the example in the above screenshot
- If your access is restricted to a specific database, just type it in the corresponding field
- Put your credentials if your server requires authentication
- You can let the plugin connect to the server on the IDE startup by clicking on the corresponding checkbox
- If you want to hide some collections, you can put them in the Collections to ignore field.
- You can click on the Test Connection button to check your server configuration
The tree displays for each server all databases with its collections. Just double-click on a collection and the results will be displayed as same as a file tab. If you double-click on another collection, a new tab will appears side of the previous.
If you clear a collection by right clicking on it and select Drop collection
The panel shows all documents of the collections (max 300 records by default).
You can copy the result and paste in a text editor.
If you want to run a find query, click on the Magnify icon or type CTRL+F shortcut.
The query panel will appear on the top.
Type your find query in JSON format (e.g.: { 'name': 'foo'}
If you want to run some aggregate queries, type your pipeline as following:
{'$operator1': {...}},
{'$operator2': {...}}
When you type CTRL+SPACE key shortcut a popup is displayed in which you can select a query operator.
Additionally, you can set a row limit.
When you are done, click on the Run button (or type CTRL+ENTER shortcut) to see the query results.
Note: If you use Ultimate Edition, JSON syntax highlighting is enabled.
Any document can be edited by double-clicking on the object id (or by right-clicking). A panel will be opened on the bottom.
You can edit the value either by double-clicking or by typing F2 key. You can delete a key by right-clicking on it and select Delete this
- Click on the save button to send the modification to the mongo server
- Click on the delete button to delete it You can add a key or value (depending on the structure of your document) by right-clicking on it and select Add a Key (or Add a Value). A dialog will appear.
Set the key name, type and value and then validate your form.
[NEW] You can also edit a document from scratch by right-clicking in the result view and select Add (or by typing ALT+INSERT shortcut)
If you set the mongo client path (e.g. /usr/bin/mongo), you can run the console by clicking the menu item Tools -> Mongo Shell.
If you need to run a javascript file on your mongo server, just type CTRL+SHIFT+F10 (or right-clik in your file and select Run myscript.js file)
Select your server and your database then click on the run button.
I would like to thank:
- MongoDB team
- Mongo Java Driver team
- Jetbrains Team for the great sources of IntelliJ Community Edition which help me to improve this plugin
- Mark James author of the famfamfam web site who provides beautiful icons.
- Jean Baptiste Potonnier for the suggestion to create this plugin
- Neko team, my first beta testers ;)
- All users of this plugin who sent me valuable suggestions.
- My wife and my daughters who support me to have fun in software development and also remind me my husband/father duty ;).
After making some tries, many issues were found:
- Sometimes, projection can be used in the query. Edition requires having the object id to send the updated value to the mongo server and have all Mongo object content.
- When the user updates a value, it was sent directely to the server. It is not convenient and does not handle misstyping. The user would like to update a set of key value.
So, I decided to make a specific GUI for it:
- Easier to make and test
- Component non coupled with the result tree.
- The user has the full control on the update/save operations
Some bugs were reported when installing the SNAPSHOT version of the plugin. Mainly some ClassNotFoundDefException
. This could happen whenever you have a previous version of the plugin already installed in the IDE.
To fix it, the steps should be as follow:
- Locate the IDE working directory. For WebStorm, it is
and for Intellij, it is.IntelliJIdea
- In it, remove the snapshot and the stable versions from
- Download again the right version for your target IDE
- Deflate the archive in the same folder
- You should have one instance of the plugin:
Restart your IDE and it should be ok :).