This repository was made for my Final engineering study project at Unilasalle Amiens France, thank you to the staff of the school as well as to the teachers for these 3 years which complete my 6 years of studies in the field of software and system/network engineering.
It concists in a simple automated k8s cluster build on AWS deploying an actix_web reverse proxy API to call an inference of google/pix2struct model that i trained for french road signs, stored in
CI\CD are building docker images resulting from the main branch's content.
kompose convert -f .\kube-docker-compose.yml
kubectl --kubeconfig=<Path to your configuration> apply -f <desirated-deployments>
kubectl expose deployment descrivizio001-web --type="NodePort" --port 80 --name=desrivizio001-web
kubectl expose deployment descrivizio001-api --type="NodePort" --port 8085 --name=descrivizio001-api
kubectl get pod
kubectl get service
kubectl get deployment
New-Item -ItemType File -Path ".\descrivizio001\.env" -Value "HUGGING_FACE_TOKEN=YOUR_HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN_TO_YOUR_MODEL"