Sample code to perform UI testing for
This project requires version of Python 3.6
To set up this project on your local machine:
- Create a virtual env using python-3.6 -->
virtualenv -p python3 sauce_pytest
- Activate the virtual env -->
source {path/to/sauce_pytest}/bin/activate
- Clone it from this GitHub repository. -->
git clone
- Install all the dependencies from root(sauce-pytest-bdd) directory -->
pip install -r requirements.txt
- For Web UI tests, install the appropriate browser and WebDriver executable.
- These tests use Chrome and chromedriver
Run tests simply using the pytest
Other Examples:
pytest --html=./log/report.html
- To run all tests with html report
pytest tests/step_defs/
pytest tests/step_defs/
pytest tests/step_defs/ --html=./log/report.html