This command line tool is an easy way to migrate your existing Cordova based (including Ionic) projects over to use Crosswalks Chromium webview. The performance benefit is huge, you get access to all the latest web APIs, and the only major draw back is increased apk size.
You need Cordova and all of it's dependencies installed globally:
$ npm install -g cordova-android-crosswalk
Simply enter your projects root folder and run:
$ cordova-android-crosswalk
Use -r
or --release
to specify Crosswalk release channel. Three
possible choices "canary", "beta", or "stable". Defaults to "stable".
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -r canary
Use -t
or --target
to specify the target android version. Defaults to
highest target version from android list target -c
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -t android-21
Use -p
or --preserve
to maintain your prexisting Crosswalk bundle download.
Default downloads Crosswalk everytime.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -p
Use -x
or --xwalk-version
to specify Crosswalk release version. Defaults
to latest stable version.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -x
Use -a
or --arch
to choose between arm and x86 architectures. Two possible
chioces "x86" or "arm". Defaults to both.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -a x86
Use -f
or --force
to suppress build warnings.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -f
Use -h
or --help
prints list of flags.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -h
Use -v
or --version
prints cordova-android-crosswalk version.
$ cordova-android-crosswalk -v
- Write Tests
Add Cordova version check for 3.5- Pressure to offer a latest-release url for each build
Implement promises to clean up codeAdd help flag that prints commandsAdd version flagImplement more helpful errors
Free Software, Hell Yeah!