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Get Ethereum Block By Date

Get Ethereum block information by a given date.

Works with any Ethereum based networks.

Works with ethers.js


Use npm:

npm i eth-block-by-date

Or yarn:

yarn add eth-block-by-date


import BlockByDate from "eth-block-by-date"
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider();

const blockByDate = new BlockByDate(
    provider // required


// Getting block by date:
const block = await blockByDate.getBlockByDate(
    '2023-01-20T13:20:40Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
    true, // Block after, optional. Search for the nearest block before or after the given date. By default true.
    false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.

/* Returns: {
    date // searched date
    block // found block number
    timestamp // found block timestamp
} */

const requests = blockByDate.requests;

/* Returns count of made requests */
// Getting 2 blocks by given dates:
const blocks = await blockByDate.getFirstBlocksByPeriod(
    '2023-01-01T08:00:00.000Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
    '2023-02-01T08:00:00.000Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
    false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.

/* Returns: Array<{
    date // searched date
    block // found block number
    timestamp // found block timestamp
}> */

Note: if the given date is before the first block date in the blockchain, the script will return 1 as block number. If the given date is in the future, the script will return the last block number in the blockchain.

Test Coverage

npm run coverage
File Stmts Funcs Lines
index.ts 95.31% 100% 95.31%


The package uses dayjs plugin to parse date.