Get Ethereum block information by a given date.
Works with any Ethereum based networks.
Works with ethers.js
Use npm:
npm i eth-block-by-date
Or yarn:
yarn add eth-block-by-date
import BlockByDate from "eth-block-by-date"
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider();
const blockByDate = new BlockByDate(
provider // required
// Getting block by date:
const block = await blockByDate.getBlockByDate(
'2023-01-20T13:20:40Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
true, // Block after, optional. Search for the nearest block before or after the given date. By default true.
false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.
/* Returns: {
date // searched date
block // found block number
timestamp // found block timestamp
} */
const requests = blockByDate.requests;
/* Returns count of made requests */
// Getting 2 blocks by given dates:
const blocks = await blockByDate.getFirstBlocksByPeriod(
'2023-01-01T08:00:00.000Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
'2023-02-01T08:00:00.000Z', // Date, required. Any valid dayjs value: string, Date() object, dayjs() object.
false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.
/* Returns: Array<{
date // searched date
block // found block number
timestamp // found block timestamp
}> */
Note: if the given date is before the first block date in the blockchain, the script will return 1 as block number. If the given date is in the future, the script will return the last block number in the blockchain.
npm run coverage
File | Stmts | Funcs | Lines |
index.ts | 95.31% | 100% | 95.31% |
The package uses dayjs plugin to parse date.