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Releases: narupley/not-going-to-be-commons-ssl

Not-Going-To-Be-Commons-SSL 0.3.20

12 Mar 16:54
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Minor cleanups, log4j dependency removed.


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JAR 7502c294b7fea7abbd171a7df15fed3bdb1e368c 327a7ccfcbf2d5bd032634b8bdeaa83a
Sources db8f1a29ef3a29b86e27a6701305be77a8b5e805 9306b452b88ff9996dfa55bd0c8ee1c7
Javadoc 8dff45f3b650a303d28f2d65bfd677404cb0a892 9fb7b0c190d9468870bfc26fb45c2414

Not-Going-To-Be-Commons-SSL 0.3.19

24 Jan 23:26
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Users can now set a system property to specify the cacerts truststore password:

  • org.apache.commons.ssl.trustStorePassword


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JAR 7682b18132af3a5bf039a76bc5f148cfeae09dac c3bc373832fddd79d07144ba6b460965
Sources 19e5fcf1958edb33359062408ce04598d35080ab 42cb72d56b63e6cf702364de9ee41628
Javadoc 4eb88b45cdb6cdd6ff339556d73858a250c3fbf3 f2bc454f7f9810f4736923167d93579e

Not-Going-To-Be-Commons-SSL 0.3.18

27 Aug 20:15
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Initial release of Not-Going-To-Be-Commons-SSL.

This removes the hard-coded Bouncy Castle ASN1 classes and instead expects the Bouncy Castle library as a dependency. It also makes some fixes to KeyStoreBuilder so that PKCS12 files are handled correctly in Java 9+ due to JEP 229. Finally some System.out / printStackTrace calls were replaced with proper Logger statements.


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JAR 5bf11e76817939747249e9ff60597cf1e9e0fd45 edcfbf5aa37cd0503cbd23b299440ac6
Sources b1bb4e2af1c0d1462a6ac52742e9305e46663200 6366999c902f8bd6518d1f625f180c7b
Javadoc b15f9532e0e8475802ca6e10ad2835dfb0a9ef3f 210da93a3b1af2e1fcfe51d9931ed657