This is a friendly message board flask application. Its python learning project from here Application is exactly from tutorial expect that underlying database has been changed from SQLite to PostgresSQL
Application can be run locally or remotely on Kubernetes cluster. Remote run has dependency on Tanzu Application Platform.
- Tanzu CLI
- kubectl
- Tilt
- Optional IntelliJ or VSCode (Tanzu Plugins) for debugging
- Class Claim (database to bind)
Configured access to Kubernetes cluster running TAP.
tanzu service class-claim create pgsql-1 --class postgresql-unmanaged --parameter storageGB=1
tilt up
Follow the output from tilt up
and browse the app.
If you are using either Intellij or VSCode you can right-click on the project space and run Tanzu Live Update
, which
will start the tilt process similar to tilt up
but you have nicer dashboards to dig deep in.
- PostgresSQL
- Environment file (.env)
Run postgres as docker container
docker run --name message-board-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=board_user -e POSTGRES_DB=board -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret! -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Copy the env_sample
file and update it with your environment properties
Create a python virtual environment
python -m venv venv
NOTE: If you are using IntelliJ create the virtual environment from IDE.
Activate the environment
. venv/bin/activate
Install the required packages
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the necessary schema in the database
python -m flask --app board init-db-pgsql
Run the application
python -m flask --app board run
To export out installed packages to requirements.txt
python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
To change running port and to run in debug
python -m flask --app broad run --port 9090 --debug