An unofficial, public JSON API for CodePen
Get the latest picked pens
Get the most popular pens
Get recently created pens
GET /pens/popular
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Dynamic Image Colorizing with <input type="color">",
"details": "<p>Removes chrome from color input swatch and overlays over an image, using blend modes to colorize. Voila! Color changing without JS.</p>",
"link": "",
"id": "ZbjmbK",
"views": "17920",
"loves": "360",
"comments": "22",
"images": {
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"user": {
"nicename": "Noah Blon",
"username": "noahblon",
"avatar": "//"
"title": "Skewed One Page Scroll",
"details": "",
"link": "",
"id": "gadLre",
"views": "4903",
"loves": "360",
"comments": "8",
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"user": {
"nicename": "Nikolay Talanov",
"username": "suez",
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*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /pens/popular?page=2
Get Pens for a specfic user
Get natewiley's public pens
Get tmrDevelops's popular pens
Get chriscoyier's loved pens
Get cathbailh's forked pens
Get MichaelArestad's showcase pens
Get keithwyland's pens tagged "tenlines"
GET /pens/popular/tmrDevelops
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Verlet",
"details": "<p>I was trying to recreate the verlet effect on an SVG Polygon...but it has some boundary issues I need to work out. Drag / throw the object; use the slider to change the number of points / object shape. </p>",
"link": "",
"id": "MYVzMe",
"views": "22021",
"loves": "217",
"comments": "21",
"images": {
"small": "",
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"user": {
"username": "tmrDevelops"
"title": "Galactic Orbitals",
"details": "<p>Galaxy clusters orbiting galaxy clusters, orbiting galaxy clusters...After a short while of orbiting, smaller clusters travel to the centers of larger galaxies && connections are formed</p>",
"link": "",
"id": "PqQKzJ",
"views": "19682",
"loves": "155",
"comments": "10",
"images": {
"small": "",
"large": ""
"user": {
"username": "tmrDevelops"
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /pens/popular/tmrDevelops?page=2
Get the latest picked posts
Get the most popular posts
GET /posts/popular
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Show & Tell Aboard The Queen Mary",
"content": "I hosted a **Show & Tell** event at CSS Dev Conf 2015\. It was in the style of most [CodePen Meetups](\"\") where we've been encouraging that format, since it's been so much fun. boat
Here's some of the things presented.
I kicked things off by talking about SVG type a bit. [Brenna O'Brien](\"\") talked about "lockups" in her talk the day before, so I thought we could expand on that concept a little bit by creating one ourselves.
A lockup is a typographic design. Words and letters are placed and styled very much...",
"link": "//",
"views": "812",
"loves": "8",
"comments": "1",
"user": {
"nicename": "Chris Coyier",
"username": "chriscoyier",
"avatar": "//"
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /posts/popular?page=2
Get Posts for a specfic user
Get towc's latest posts
Get pixelass's popular posts
Get ImagineProgramming's loved posts
GET /posts/published/towc
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Why do we recreate things?",
"content": "I can't really answer for everyone, but I do have some reasons for recreating wonderful art I see online, whether it's from codepen or not.
[Here is a collection of some of my recreations](\"\")
gets you thinking
I call most of my recreations "codeblind", simply because I didn't take a look at the code required to do the original animations. When you do that you are forced to come up with your own algorithms or methods to get as similar of a result as you can. Maybe you see a pen and you just think...",
"link": "//",
"views": "336",
"loves": "7",
"comments": "0",
"user": {
"username": "towc"
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /posts/published/towc?page=2
Get the latest picked collections
Get the most popular collections
Get tholman's popular collections
Get chriscoyier's public collections
Get natewiley's loved collections
GET /collections/loved/natewiley
"success": "true",
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"title": "hearted so hard",
"details": "",
"id": "AOybyj",
"url": "",
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"loves": "9",
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"user": {
"nicename": "Sarah Drasner",
"username": "sdras",
"avatar": "//",
"profileUrl": ""
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /collections/loved/natewiley?page=2
Get maicode's #Codevember collection
GET /collection/AdbzyJ
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Codevember Day 10",
"details": "
Ele love <3
"link": "",
"id": "KdrmjL",
"views": "461",
"loves": "14",
"comments": "2",
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"user": {
"nicename": "Mai El-Awini",
"username": "maicodes",
"avatar": "//"
"title": "Codevember Day 9",
"details": "
<3 my pen pals\nExperimenting with [Nate Wiley](\"\")'s new API.
"link": "",
"id": "EVOYWY",
"views": "156",
"loves": "6",
"comments": "2",
"images": {
"small": "",
"large": ""
"user": {
"nicename": "Mai El-Awini",
"username": "maicodes",
"avatar": "//"
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /collection/AdbzyJ?page=2
Get Pens with a tag
Get Pens tagged svg
GET /tag/canvas
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Transition",
"details": "<p>This was a little js port I did from a flash project I stumbled upon when looking into learning more about flash\/js similarities. <\/p>",
"link": "http:\/\/\/tholman\/pen\/BHohK",
"id": "BHohK",
"views": "6020",
"loves": "183",
"comments": "1",
"images": {
"small": "http:\/\/\/tholman\/pen\/BHohK\/image\/small.png",
"large": "http:\/\/\/tholman\/pen\/BHohK\/image\/large.png"
"user": {
"nicename": "Tim Holman",
"username": "tholman",
"avatar": "https:\/\/\/\/277\/profile\/profile-80_5.jpg"
*** You can pass the page
parameter to paginate through results. Example: GET /tag/canvas?page=2
Get tags for a user
Get pixelass's tags
You can get pens for a user by tag (shown above in pens by user)
GET /tags/pixelass
"success": "true",
"data": [
"tag": "fractal",
"penCount": "103",
"link": "",
"user": "pixelass"
"tag": "animation",
"penCount": "83",
"link": "",
"user": "pixelass"
"tag": "css",
"penCount": "53",
"link": "",
"user": "pixelass"
Get followers / following data by user.
Get pixelass's followers
Get users that seanseansean is following
GET /followers/pixelass
"success": "true",
"data": [
"nicename": "Keith Wyland",
"username": "keithwyland",
"avatar": "//",
"url": ""
"nicename": "Akopczewski",
"username": "akopcz2",
"avatar": "//",
"url": ""
"nicename": "Mario Luevanos",
"username": "marioluevanos",
"avatar": "//",
"url": ""
*** You can pass the page
parameter, example: GET /followers/pixelass?page=2
Get profile data for a specific user
Get jackrugile's info
GET /profile/jackrugile
"success": "true",
"data": {
"nicename": "Jack Rugile",
"username": "jackrugile",
"avatar": "//",
"location": "Denver, CO",
"bio": "",
"pro": true,
"followers": "849",
"following": "178",
"links": [
Search Pens, Posts, Collections, and Users by keyword.
The search query, must be passed on all search endpoints.
The current page, defaults to 1
A username to limit the search by (only works on search/pens endpoint)
Search for pens containing the keyword fractal
Search posts for NightlySeaCreaturesWeekend
Search collections for forms
Search users for rlm
GET /search/pens/?q=canvas-club
"success": "true",
"data": [
"title": "Enchanted",
"details": "<p>Parallax on canvas. </p>",
"link": "",
"id": "EaNwjz",
"views": "16742",
"loves": "153",
"comments": "28",
"images": {
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"user": {
"nicename": "Tiffany Rayside",
"username": "tmrDevelops",
"avatar": "//"
*** You can pass the page
parameter, example: GET /search/pens/?q=canvas-club&page=2
Simple example of getting the popular pens with jQuery's .getJSON()
$.getJSON("", function(resp){
// do something awesome
Inspired by Tim Pietrusky's CodePen AwesomePI
To my pen pals, with ♥ by Nate Wiley