Ispersonoppgave is a backend microservice for handling of Person-Oppgaver by SYFO-veiledere in Syfomodiaperson( in Modia. Person-Oppgave are created based on events and are available to SYFO-veiledere for manual processing. Each time a Person-Oppgave is created or processed, an event is produced to notify Syfooversikt of a change in the situation of a person.
The application currently handles these types of Person-Oppgave:
- Oppfolgingsplan from LPS that has been shared with NAV and has Bistandsbehov.
- Dialogmoter: status changed or response received
- Dialogmeldinger: response received
- Dialogmeldinger: no response after 14 days
- Dialogmeldinger: negative apprec
- Aktivitetskrav: expired varsel
- Docker
- Gradle
- Kotlin
- Kafka
- Ktor
- Postgres
- Kluent
- Mockk
- Spek
Protected navikt-packages are downloaded from Github Package Registry and requires authentication. The packages can be downloaded via build.gradle.kts:
val githubUser: String by project
val githubPassword: String by project
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = githubUser
password = githubPassword
and githubPassword
are set in ~/.gradle/
is a personal access token with scope read:packages
(and SSO enabled).
Alternatively, the variables can be configured as environment variables or used in the command line:
./gradlew -PgithubUser=x-access-token -PgithubPassword=[token]
Run ./gradlew clean shadowJar
Run checking: ./gradlew --continue ktlintCheck
Run formatting: ./gradlew ktlintFormat
Apply checking: ./gradlew addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook
Apply formatting: ./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook
Run ./gradlew test -i
Creating a docker image should be as simple as docker build -t ispersonoppgave .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 ispersonoppgave
The application has three main flows: receive OppfolgingsplanLPS, retrieve PersonOppgave list and process PersonOppgave.
- Read OppfolgingsplanLPS from Kafka-topic.
- Create PersonOppgave if OppfolgingsplanLPS has Bistandsbehov.
- Send Personoppgavehendelse for received PersonOppgave to Kafka-topic.
- Receive request from NAV-Veileder to the PersonOppgave list of a person.
- Check if NAV-Veileder has access to the person.
- Veieder receives the list if access app grants access.
- Send Oversikthendelse for processed PersonOppgave to Kafka-topic.
- Receive request from NAV-Veileder to process PersonOppgave.
- Check if NAV-Veileder has access to the person of the PersonOppgave.
- Update PersonOppgave with who processed and when it was processed.
- Send Oversikthendelse for processed PersonOppgave to Kafka-topic.
We are available at the Slack channel #isyfo