The application is adapted for all types of mobile and desktop devices.
Implemented front-end user authorization based on Redux using two tokens: Access-token and Refresh-token. When the access-token expires and the refresh-token action condition occurs, the access-token is automatically updated; if the refresh-token expires, the system is logged out. Upon successful authorization, an automatic redirect occurs from the authorization page to the page from which the transition to the authorization page was made.
- Registration of a new profile
- Sending a confirmation code to Email to activate a new user profile
- User password recovery
- Identification, authentication and authorization of user data
The application logic is implemented in accordance with the user role: guest, registered user, administrator. Available functionality with the guest role:
- Limited access to content
- When manually going to the user profile page, a redirect is made to the registration/authorization page
- When manually going to the admin panel page, a redirect to the 404 page is carried out
- Ability to play videos of any quality
- Added buttons for forward and backward, play, pause, sound control, full screen mode
- Movie rating system
- Access to content (with restrictions, depending on whether the Email is confirmed after registration)
- View and change movie rating
- Access to personal profile, editing data
- When manually going to the admin panel page, a redirect to the 404 page is carried out
- Superuser role
- Full access to all pages and sections
- Full access to user profiles
- Access to the admin panel
- Statistics with the ability to view the number of users, view tracking for statistics on movie popularity
- Editing/deleting user profiles and their data
- Adding/removing films, editing information about films, actors, genres, ratings
- Next.js
- Typescript
- React-query
- Axios
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux-toastr
- Tailwind
- Scss
- Classnames
- React-select
- React-icons
- Draft-js
- Js-cookie
- React-hook-form
- React-loading-skeleton
- React-transition-group
- Nextjs-toploader
- pnpm next build
- npm run build
- yarn next build
- pnpm next dev
- npm run next dev
- yarn next dev