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User Stories

adrianwrigley edited this page Dec 10, 2012 · 4 revisions

(can someone please comment on and/or change the phrasing of these stories to reflect best practice?)

I want to show the economic simulation to an audience in a lecture theatre, small business presentation, or one-on-one.

I want to hit "Start", and show others the real wage levels and house prices fluctuate over time - a simulated "business cycle". Variables to be able to be shown on a graph (time on X axis) and exported as a spreadsheet.

I want to pause, continue and step the economy simulator while showing an audience various features and effects. I want to be able to store the state of the simulation, and restore it later, to rerun different alternative scenarios and reload later for analysis.

I want to show the effect of adjusting an Income Tax rate, and see a budget deficit and other statistics change.