Table of Contents
edit /etc/nix/nix.conf
to include the following:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
optionally (but strongly suggested because it will dramatically speed up first-build times), also add these lines to nix.conf
in order to enable the Holochain binary caches.
public keys can be checked at the substituter URLs.
substituters = trusted-public-keys =
prequisite: follow 'Nix setup' above.
# enter dev shell (we need impure because Holonix is not pure 😢)
$ nix develop --impure
[<...>]$ npm install
[<...>]$ npm run hc:build
[<...>]$ npm run hc:pack
[<...>]$ npm run fe:build
[<...>]$ npm run hc:mk-sensemaker # this may take a while to run
# in dev shell
[<...>]$ npm run hc:run
# in another dev shell
[<...>]$ miniserve .
# any static server will work, e.g. any of these:
# in yet another dev shell
[<...>]$ xdg-open http://localhost:8080/index.html
# alternately, just go there in your browser
# perform above build steps
npm run hc:clean
# terminal 1
hc sandbox -f=9000 generate happs/paperz -r=9999 network mdns
# terminal 2
hc sandbox -f=9008 generate happs/paperz -r=9998 network mdns
# terminal 3
miniserve -p 8081 .
# terminal 4
miniserve -p 8082 .
now browse & change ports (at bottom of page):
app: 9999
admin: 9009
app: 9998
admin: 9008
then refresh the pages.