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New Crowdin updates (#1426)
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neoforged-l10n authored Sep 3, 2024
1 parent 72d5ebf commit dee6221
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,137 additions and 2,590 deletions.
120 changes: 26 additions & 94 deletions src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/cs_cz.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
"commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "Vybrané ID dimenze (%1$s) je neplatné.",
"commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "Vybraná entita (%1$s) již existuje v specifické dimenzi (%2$s).",
"commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "Tento příkaz je zastaralý kvůli smazání ve verzi 1.17, použijte místo něj %s.",
"commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Neplatná dimenze %1$s Možné hodnoty: %2$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Celkem: Průměrná doba ticku: %1$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %2$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.overall": "Overall: %s TPS (%s ms/tick)",
"commands.neoforge.tps.tooltip": "Mean TPS; higher is better. Target TPS: %s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.dimension": "%s: %s TPS (%s ms/tick)",
"commands.neoforge.tps.dimension.tooltip": "%s (Dimension Type: %s)",
"commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Módový seznam: %1$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Průměrná doba ticku: %2$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %3$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Průměrná doba ticku: %3$s ms. Průměrný TPS: %4$s",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Sledování entity povoleno na %d sekund.",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Data časování entity byla vymazána!",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Neplatná sledovací data.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,14 @@
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Čas v %s běží normální rychlostí (20 minut za den).",
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Nastaven běh času v %s na %sx (%s minut za den).",
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Nastaven běh času v %s na základní nastavení (20 minut za den).",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.error.held_stack_empty": "You are not holding any item",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.title": "Data components on %s:",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.entry": "\n - %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.entry.key_value": "%s: %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.default": "Component %s holds its default value",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.deleted": "Component %s with value %s was deleted",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.modified": "Component %s was modified from %s to %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.added": "Component %s was added with value %s",
"commands.config.getwithtype": "Konfigurace pro %s typu %s nalezena na %s",
"commands.config.noconfig": "Konfigurace pro %s typu %s nenalezena",
"neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sPOZOR: %sNeoForge Beta",
Expand All @@ -130,51 +138,15 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "Konfigurace Serveru %s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "Běžná konfigurace %s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "Konfigurace při spuštění %s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [
"text": "Nastavení jsou zde rozhodnuté serverem a nemohou být změněny když jste online.",
"color": "červený"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [
"text": "Nastavení zde nemohou být změněny, když je Vaše hra otevřená k LAN. Prosím, vraťte se do hlavního menu a načtěte svět znovu.",
"color": "červený"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [
"text": "Nastavení zde jsou dostupné pouze až po načtení světa.",
"color": "červený"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [
"text": "Tato hodnota nemůže být změněna v UI. Prosím, kontaktujte autora módu, aby pro něj poskytl UI.",
"color": "červený"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.longstring": [
"text": "Tato hodnota je moc veliká pro změnu v UI. Prosím, změňte ji v konfiguračním souboru.",
"color": "červený"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": "Nastavení jsou zde rozhodnuté serverem a nemohou být změněny když jste online.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": "Nastavení zde nemohou být změněny, když je Vaše hra otevřená k LAN. Prosím, vraťte se do hlavního menu a načtěte svět znovu.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": "Nastavení zde jsou dostupné pouze až po načtení světa.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": "Tato hodnota nemůže být změněna v UI. Prosím, kontaktujte autora módu, aby pro něj poskytl UI.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.longstring": "Tato hodnota je moc veliká pro změnu v UI. Prosím, změňte ji v konfiguračním souboru.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Změnit",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [
"index": 0
"text": " > ",
"color": "zlato",
"bold": true
"index": 1
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb.order": "%1$s %2$s %3$s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb.separator": ">",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Vrátit zpět",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Vrátí zpět změny pouze na této obrazovce.",
Expand All @@ -184,30 +156,8 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [
"text": "\n\nRozmezí: ",
"color": "šedivá"
"index": 0,
"color": "šedivá"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [
"text": "Soubor: \"",
"color": "šedivá"
"index": 0,
"color": "šedivá"
"text": "\"",
"color": "šedivá"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": "Range: %s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": "File: \"%s\"",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Obecné volby",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Volby klienta",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Volby serveru",
Expand All @@ -217,13 +167,7 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "Svět se musí znovu načíst",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "Jeden či více konfiguračních možností, které byly změněny, se projeví až se znovu načte svět.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Ignorovat",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return.tooltip": [
"text": "Vaše změny nebudou mít žádný účinek do restartu!",
"color": "červená",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return.tooltip": "Vaše změny nebudou mít žádný účinek do restartu!",
"neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge konfigurace",
"neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Nastavení Klienta",
"neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Nastavení Klienta",
Expand All @@ -246,23 +190,11 @@
"neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Manažer oprávnění",
"neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "Manažer oprávnění použitý na serveru. Výchozí je neoforge:default_handler pokud žádný handler s tímto názvem není registrován.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Odstranit Block Entity volající chyby",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [
"Zapněte toto nastavení pro smazání všech entit které vyhazují error ve své \"update\" metodě, místo vypnutí serveru a vytvoření crash logu.\n\n",
"color": "červená",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip.warning": "POZOR, TOTO MŮŽE VŠECHNO POKAZIT.\nBUĎTE OPATRNÍ.\nNEJSME ZODPOVĚDNI ZA JAKÉKOLIV NAPÁCHANÉ ŠKODY.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Odstranit Entity volající chyby",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [
"Zapněte toto nastavení pro smazání všech block entit které vyhazují error ve své \"update\" metodě, místo vypnutí serveru a vytvoření crash logu.\n\n",
"color": "červená",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.",
"neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Zobrazit Upozornění při Načítání",
"neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Pokud je zapnuto, NeoForge zobrazí jakákoliv upozornění, která se vyskytla při načítání.",
"neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Používejte kombinovaný doplňek DEPTH_STENCIL",
Expand Down
120 changes: 26 additions & 94 deletions src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/da_dk.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
"commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.",
"commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).",
"commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.",
"commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.overall": "Overall: %s TPS (%s ms/tick)",
"commands.neoforge.tps.tooltip": "Mean TPS; higher is better. Target TPS: %s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.dimension": "%s: %s TPS (%s ms/tick)",
"commands.neoforge.tps.dimension.tooltip": "%s (Dimension Type: %s)",
"commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s",
"commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!",
"commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,14 @@
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).",
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).",
"commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.error.held_stack_empty": "You are not holding any item",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.title": "Data components on %s:",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.entry": "\n - %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.entry.key_value": "%s: %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.default": "Component %s holds its default value",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.deleted": "Component %s with value %s was deleted",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.modified": "Component %s was modified from %s to %s",
"commands.neoforge.data_components.list.tooltip.added": "Component %s was added with value %s",
"commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s",
"commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found",
"neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sADVARSEL: %sNeoForge Beta",
Expand All @@ -130,51 +138,15 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [
"text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.",
"color": "red"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [
"text": "Settings in here cannot be edited while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.",
"color": "red"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [
"text": "Settings in here are only available while a world is loaded.",
"color": "red"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [
"text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.",
"color": "red"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.longstring": [
"text": "This value is too long to be edited in the UI. Please edit it in the config file.",
"color": "red"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": "Settings in here cannot be edited while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": "Settings in here are only available while a world is loaded.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.longstring": "This value is too long to be edited in the UI. Please edit it in the config file.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [
"index": 0
"text": " > ",
"color": "gold",
"bold": true
"index": 1
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb.order": "%1$s %2$s %3$s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb.separator": ">",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.",
Expand All @@ -184,30 +156,8 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [
"text": "\n\nRange: ",
"color": "gray"
"index": 0,
"color": "gray"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [
"text": "File: \"",
"color": "gray"
"index": 0,
"color": "gray"
"text": "\"",
"color": "gray"
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": "Range: %s",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": "File: \"%s\"",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options",
Expand All @@ -217,13 +167,7 @@
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed will only take effect when the world is reloaded.",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Ignore",
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return.tooltip": [
"text": "Your changes will have no effect until you restart!",
"color": "red",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return.tooltip": "Your changes will have no effect until you restart!",
"neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration",
"neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings",
"neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings",
Expand All @@ -246,23 +190,11 @@
"neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler",
"neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [
"Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n",
"color": "red",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip.warning": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [
"Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n",
"color": "red",
"bold": true
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.",
"neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip.warning": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.",
"neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings",
"neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.",
"neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment",
Expand Down

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