Yet another python interpreter selector plugin for neovim. Make LSPs (pyright, pylsp, basedpyright) and DAP work with specific python.
- Support multiple Lsp servers. (Pylsp, Pyright, BasedPyright)
- Support nvim-dap-python.
- Switch between python interpreters without restart LSPs. (Except
WhichPy restore
on Pyright) - Support multiple pickers. (
) - Automatically select the previously chosen interpreter based on the directory.
- Search on common directories, currently support:
- workspace (relative path of
) - global (
and common posix paths) - global virtual environment
- pyenv
- poetry
- pdm
- conda
- workspace (relative path of
- Neovim >= 0.10.0
- Using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = {
-- optional for dap
-- "mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python",
-- optional for picker support
-- "ibhagwan/fzf-lua",
-- "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",
opts = {},
whichpy.nvim comes with these defaults:
cache_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/whichpy.nvim",
picker = {
name = "builtin", -- must be one of ("builtin", "fzf-lua", "telescope")
-- You can customize the picker as follows. For available options, refer to the respective documentation.
-- ["fzf-lua"] = {
-- prompt="fzf-lua",
-- },
-- telescope = {
-- prompt_title="telescope",
-- },
-- builtin = {
-- prompt="",
-- },
locator = {
-- you can disable locator like this
-- locator_name = { enable = false },
workspace = {
search_pattern = ".*env.*", -- `:help lua-patterns`
depth = 2,
ignore_dirs = {
global = {},
global_virtual_environment = {
dirs = {
-- accept following structure
-- path
-- { path, vim.uv.os_uname().sysname }
{ "~/Envs", "Windows_NT" }, -- only search on Windows
pyenv = {},
poetry = {},
pdm = {},
conda = {},
lsp = {
pylsp = require("whichpy.lsp.handlers.pylsp"),
pyright = require("whichpy.lsp.handlers.pyright"),
basedpyright = require("whichpy.lsp.handlers.pyright"),
This plugin provide these commands:
If path
provided, LSPs would be configured. Otherwise, picker would show up.
Restore LSPs configuration, and clear the cache.
Retrieve the interpreter path from cache, then configure lsp.
Search python interpreter again.
How to work with neotest?
dependencies = {
config = function()
local python_adapter = require("neotest-python")({
python = function()
local whichpy_python = require("whichpy.envs").current_selected()
if whichpy_python then
return whichpy_python
return require("neotest-python.base").get_python_command
adapters = { python_adapter },
Why don't use `fd`?
- I'm not familiar with
. (main reason) - I only want to search a specific directory.
is fast enough for me.
Once I'm become more familiar with fd
and have free time. I'll try.
- venv-selector.nvim for inspiring the Python path setup.
- vscode-python for numerous locator implementation.
- async.nvim for the async implementation.
- and many publicly shared dotfiles on Github.