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implemented calibration with a StudentT distribution
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nevrome committed Oct 3, 2021
1 parent 69c6ccc commit 4ca7119
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Showing 6 changed files with 62 additions and 18 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- V 0.18.0: Implemented calibration with a StudentT distribution to mimic Bchron and established that as the new default. Reimplemented the --method option of the CLI tool to reflect that change.
- V 0.17.0: Changed argument order in CalCurve data type to adjust to the order in .14C files
- V 0.16.0: Refactoring in the library to simplify and clarify the interface
- V 0.15.0: Added another calibration algorithm (following the implementation by Andrew Parnell in Bchron) and a method switch for the CLI
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions currycarbon.cabal
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: currycarbon
version: 0.17.0
version: 0.18.0
synopsis: A package for simple, fast radiocarbon calibration
description: Radiocarbon calibration with the intercept method optimised for fast calibration of many dates.
license: MIT
Expand All @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ library
exposed-modules: Currycarbon.Parsers, Currycarbon.Types, Currycarbon.Utils, Currycarbon.Calibration,
Currycarbon.CLI.RunCalibrate, Currycarbon.CalCurves.Intcal20
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base, filepath, parsec, parallel, vector
build-depends: base, filepath, parsec, parallel, vector, statistics
default-language: Haskell2010

executable currycarbon
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src-executables/Main-currycarbon.hs
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Expand Up @@ -88,17 +88,17 @@ parseCalCurveFromFile = OP.option (Just <$> OP.str) (

parseCalibrationMethod :: OP.Parser CalibrationMethod
parseCalibrationMethod = OP.option (OP.eitherReader readCalibrationMethod) (
parseCalibrationMethod = OP.option (OP.eitherReader readCalibrationMethodString) (
OP.long "method" <> "The calibration algorithm that should be used: Bchron (default) or MatrixMultiplication" <>
OP.value Bchron "The calibration algorithm that should be used: \
\\"<Method>,<Distribution>,<NumberOfDegreesOfFreedom>\". \
\The default setting is equivalent to \"Bchron,StudentT,100\" \
\which copies the algorithm implemented in the Bchron R package. \
\Alternatively we implemented \"MatrixMult\", which comes without further arguments. \
\For the Bchron algorithm with a normal distribution (\"Bchron,Normal\") \
\the degrees of freedom argument is not relevant" <>
OP.value (Bchron $ StudentTDist 100)
readCalibrationMethod :: String -> Either String CalibrationMethod
readCalibrationMethod s = case s of
"MatrixMultiplication" -> Right MatrixMultiplication
"Bchron" -> Right Bchron
_ -> Left "must be Bchron or MatrixMultiplication"

parseDontInterpolateCalCurve :: OP.Parser (Bool)
parseDontInterpolateCalCurve = OP.switch (
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22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions src/Currycarbon/Calibration.hs
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector.Generic (convert)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Statistics.Distribution (density)
import Statistics.Distribution.StudentT (studentT)
--import Statistics.Distribution.Normal (normalDistr)

-- | Calibrates a list of dates with the provided calibration curve
calibrateDates :: CalibrationMethod -- ^ Calibration method
Expand All @@ -32,8 +35,8 @@ calibrateDates :: CalibrationMethod -- ^ Calibration method
calibrateDates _ _ _ [] = []
calibrateDates MatrixMultiplication interpolate calCurve uncalDates =
map (calibrateDateMatrixMult interpolate calCurve) uncalDates `using` parList rpar
calibrateDates Bchron interpolate calCurve uncalDates =
map (calibrateDateBchron interpolate calCurve) uncalDates `using` parList rpar
calibrateDates Bchron{distribution=distr} interpolate calCurve uncalDates =
map (calibrateDateBchron distr interpolate calCurve) uncalDates `using` parList rpar

calibrateDateMatrixMult :: Bool -> CalCurve -> UncalC14 -> CalPDF
calibrateDateMatrixMult interpolate calCurve uncalC14 =
Expand All @@ -44,16 +47,18 @@ calibrateDateMatrixMult interpolate calCurve uncalC14 =
calPDF = projectUncalOverCalCurve uncalPDF calCurveMatrix
in normalizeCalPDF calPDF

calibrateDateBchron :: Bool -> CalCurve -> UncalC14 -> CalPDF
calibrateDateBchron interpolate calCurve uncalC14@(UncalC14 name age ageSd) =
calibrateDateBchron :: CalibrationDistribution -> Bool -> CalCurve -> UncalC14 -> CalPDF
calibrateDateBchron distr interpolate calCurve uncalC14@(UncalC14 name age ageSd) =
let rawCalCurveSegment = getRelevantCalCurveSegment uncalC14 calCurve
CalCurve cals mus tau1s = prepareCalCurveSegment interpolate True rawCalCurveSegment
ageFloat = -(fromIntegral age)+1950
ageSd2 = ageSd*ageSd
ageSd2Float = fromIntegral ageSd2
musFloat = fromIntegral mus
tau1sFloat = fromIntegral tau1s
dens = VU.zipWith (\mu tau1 -> dnorm 0 1 ((ageFloat - mu) / sqrt (ageSd2Float + tau1 * tau1))) musFloat tau1sFloat
dens = case distr of
NormalDist -> VU.zipWith (\mu tau1 -> dnorm 0 1 ((ageFloat - mu) / sqrt (ageSd2Float + tau1 * tau1))) musFloat tau1sFloat
StudentTDist numberOfDegreesOfFreedom -> VU.zipWith (\mu tau1 -> dt numberOfDegreesOfFreedom ((ageFloat - mu) / sqrt (ageSd2Float + tau1 * tau1))) musFloat tau1sFloat
in normalizeCalPDF $ CalPDF name cals dens

-- | Take an uncalibrated date and a raw calibration curve and return
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +155,11 @@ dnorm mu sigma x =
c2 = c * c
sigma2 = sigma * sigma
in a*b
-- alternative implemenation with the statistics package:
-- realToFrac $ density (normalDistr (realToFrac mu) (realToFrac sigma)) (realToFrac x)

dt :: Double -> Float -> Float
dt dof x = realToFrac $ density (studentT (realToFrac dof)) (realToFrac x) -- dof: number of degrees of freedom

normalizeCalPDF :: CalPDF -> CalPDF
normalizeCalPDF (CalPDF name cals dens) =
Expand All @@ -175,7 +185,7 @@ refineCalDate (CalPDF name bps dens) =
cumsumDensities = scanl1 (+) $ map snd sortedDensities
isIn68 = map (< 0.683) cumsumDensities
isIn95 = map (< 0.954) cumsumDensities
contextualizedDensities = reverse $ sort $ zipWith3 (\(year,density) in68 in95 -> (year,density,in68,in95)) sortedDensities isIn68 isIn95
contextualizedDensities = reverse $ sort $ zipWith3 (\(y,d) in68 in95 -> (y,d,in68,in95)) sortedDensities isIn68 isIn95
in CalC14 name (densities2HDR68 contextualizedDensities) (densities2HDR95 contextualizedDensities)
densities2HDR68 :: [(Int, Float, Bool, Bool)] -> [HDR]
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/Currycarbon/Parsers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,31 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- This module contains a number of functions to manage data input and
-- output plumbing for different datatypes

-- CalibrationMethod
readCalibrationMethodString :: String -> Either String CalibrationMethod
readCalibrationMethodString s =
case P.runParser parseCalibrationMethodString () "" s of
Left err -> error $ "Error in parsing method from string: " ++ show err
Right x -> Right x

parseCalibrationMethodString :: P.Parser CalibrationMethod
parseCalibrationMethodString = do
P.try bchron P.<|> matrixMultiplication
bchron = do
_ <- P.string "Bchron,"
P.try studentT P.<|> normal
studentT = do
_ <- P.string "StudentT,"
dof <- read <$> P.many1 P.digit
return (Bchron $ StudentTDist dof)
normal = do
_ <- P.string "Normal"
return (Bchron NormalDist)
matrixMultiplication = do
_ <- P.string "MatrixMult"
return MatrixMultiplication

-- CalC14
writeCalC14s :: FilePath -> [CalC14] -> IO ()
writeCalC14s path calC14s = writeFile path $
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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/Currycarbon/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,15 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- | Different calibration algorithms implemented in currycarbon
data CalibrationMethod =
MatrixMultiplication -- ^ Matrix multiplication method
| Bchron -- ^ Algorithm similar to the clever implementation in the R package Bchron by Andrew Parnell
| Bchron {
distribution :: CalibrationDistribution
} -- ^ Algorithm similar to the clever implementation in the R package Bchron by Andrew Parnell

data CalibrationDistribution =
| StudentTDist {
ndf :: Double

-- | A data type to represent an uncalibrated radiocarbon date
data UncalC14 = UncalC14 {
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