This Monorepo is aimed at providing additional GruntTS support tasks for TypeScript
Plugin | Description | Version |
grunt-ts-plugin | Grunt-ts-plugin is an npm package that provides a TypeScript compilation task for GruntJS build scripts. | Changelog |
grunt-eslint-ts | Grunt-eslint-ts provides a wrapper for running eslint using the @typescript-eslint parser for processing TypeScript files. |
Changelog |
Note: These plugins have currently only been tested with the Grunt 1.4.0
Install the npm packare: npm install @nevware21/grunt-ts-plugin --save-dev
Package | Descriptpion |
TypeScript | npm install typescript --save-dev - if you don't have TypeScript installed in your project, run |
GruntJS | npm install grunt --save-dev - if you don't have GruntJS installed in your project |
Grunt-Cli | npm install grunt-cli --save-dev - Suggested, if you have never used Grunt on your system |
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
ts: {
options : {
debug: false
default: {
tsconfig: './default/tsconfig.json'
task1: {
// Just use the tsconfig
tsconfig: './task1/tsconfig.json'
task2: {
// Use the tsconfig and add the additional src files, you *could* call a function to return
// a dynamic array with the src files. The task doesn't call the function it expects a string[].
tsconfig: './task1/tsconfig.json',
src: [
task3: {
// As with task2, but also concatenate the output into a single file, this is the same as defining
// the out or outFile paramater in the compileOptions within the tsconfig.json.
// If you have both outDir in the tsConfig.json and this parameter -- this value will be ignored.
tsconfig: './task1/tsconfig.json',
src: [
out: './out/task1-dist.js'
task4: {
// As with task3, since 0.5.0 the tsconfig may have be inlined and specify more
// than just the filename / location of the tsconfig.json
tsconfig: {
name: './task1/tsconfig.json',
src: [
out: './out/task1-dist.js'
task5: {
// As with task3, since 0.5.0 the tsconfig may contain multiple inlined definitions
// and override the content of the loaded tsconfig.json
tsconfig: [
name: './task1/tsconfig.json',
src: [
out: './out/task5-dist.js'
name: './task1/tsconfig.json',
tsconfig: {
compilerOptions: {
target: "es6"
src: [
out: './out/task5-es6-dist.js'
name: './task1/tsconfig.json',
tsconfig: {
compilerOptions: {
target: "esnext"
src: [
out: './out/task5-esnext-dist.js'
grunt.registerTask("default", ["ts"]);
grunt.registerTask("task1", ["ts:task1"]);
grunt.registerTask("task2", ["ts:task2"]);
grunt.registerTask("task3", ["ts:task3"]);
Install the npm packare: npm install @nevware21/grunt-eslint-ts --save-dev
Package | Descriptpion |
ESLint | npm install eslint --save-dev - if you don't have ESLint installed in your project, run |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin | npm install @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin --save-dev - if you don't have the @typescript plugin installed |
@typescript-eslint/parser | npm install @typescript-eslint/parser --save-dev - if you dont have the parser installed |
eslint-plugin-security (Optional) | npm install eslint-plugin-security --save-dev - If you want to auto inject the extra security plugin |
TypeScript | npm install typescript --save-dev - if you don't have TypeScript installed in your project, run |
GruntJS | npm install grunt --save-dev - if you don't have GruntJS installed in your project |
Grunt-Cli | npm install grunt-cli --save-dev - Suggested, if you have never used Grunt on your system |
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
"eslint-ts": {
options: {
format: "codeframe",
suppressWarnings: false
"shared": {
tsconfig: "./shared/tsconfig.json",
ignoreFailures: true,
src: [
// Adds extra source files above those listed in the tsconfig.json
"ts_plugin": {
tsconfig: "./ts-plugin/tsconfig.json",
ignoreFailures: true
"eslint_ts": {
tsconfig: "./eslint-ts-plugin/tsconfig.json",
ignoreFailures: true
"shared-fix": {
// You can specify the options, either in an options object like there or directly in the task
// definition like those above
options: {
tsconfig: "./shared/tsconfig.json",
fix: true,
src: [
"ts_plugin-fix": {
options: {
tsconfig: "./ts-plugin/tsconfig.json",
fix: true
"eslint_ts-fix": {
options: {
tsconfig: "./eslint-ts-plugin/tsconfig.json",
fix: true,
grunt.registerTask("lint", [ "eslint-ts:shared", "eslint-ts:ts_plugin", "eslint-ts:eslint_ts" ]);
grunt.registerTask("lint-fix", [ "eslint-ts:shared-fix", "eslint-ts:ts_plugin-fix", "eslint-ts:eslint_ts-fix" ]);
Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes.