This repo is for setting up an installation of the webiny cms, which is serverless (runs on lambdas and the like) and headless.
Clone this repo, get yourself setup with a cluster on mongodb atlas and then:
"default": {
"AWS_PROFILE": "default",
"AWS_REGION": "us-east-1",
"MONGODB_SERVER": "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<mongo cluster name>",
"MONGODB_NAME": "<mongodb name>"
yarn webiny deploy api --env=local
I recommend copying and pasting the very end of the console output, where it prints the graphql, content delivery api urls. You'll need those.
cd apps/admin
yarn start
I'm actually not sure if this should be in the same repo or a totally separate one - the site
is the public-facing website we'd build on top of the webiny infrastructure.
Anyway, to start it locally:
cd apps/site
yarn start