Propp is a lightweight, header-only C++ library that brings an efficient and flexible property system to C++. Unlike traditional getter and setter methods commonly used in object-oriented programming, Propp enables C++ developers to work with properties in a more intuitive and Python-like manner, improving code readability and maintainability.
class Person {
PropertyRO<std::string> Name;
PropertyRWSMT<int> Age;
PropertyROG<std::string, GetterTypeValue<std::string>> Address; // We declare getter that returns string by value
Person(const std::string& name)
: Name(name)
, Age(0, std::bind(&Person::SetAge, this, std::placeholders::_1))
, Address("123 Main St Mega City MS 12345", std::bind(&Person::GetAddress, this))
// For properties with custom getter and setter, we need to define copy constructor
Person(const Person& other)
: Name(other.Name())
, Age(other.Age(), std::bind(&Person::SetAge, this, std::placeholders::_1))
, Address(other.Address.GetRaw(), std::bind(&Person::GetAddress, this)) // Because we declared getter that returns string by value, we need to use GetRaw() to get the initial value
void SetAge(int value) {
// Don't worry, inside setter you can assign value back with no recursion issue (if you do this in the same thread)
Age = std::clamp(value, 0, 150);
// This getter returns initial address from property and appends predefined country to it
std::string GetAddress() {
static std::string predefinedCountry = " USA";
// Don't worry that we call Address() inside getter, it won't cause recursion issue, next call will return the underlying value
return Address() + predefinedCountry;
Header-Only Design: No need to compile a separate library or link against external dependencies. Propp is a single header file that can be included in your project, making it easy to integrate and use.
Custom Getters and Setters: The library allows for custom logic to be executed whenever a property is accessed or modified
Multithreading Support: Propp provides thread-safe access to properties, ensuring that concurrent reads and writes are handled correctly.
Customizable types for getters and setters: Propp allows you to use returning data by value or reference for getters and setting by value or constant reference for setters.
No recursion occurs when assigning or retrieving values within the setter or getter. For instance, if your getter modifies the underlying value (e.g., by multiplying it by 2), you can safely call the data access method inside the getter without triggering recursive calls.
class Person {
PropertyRWG<int, GetterTypeValue<int>> Age; // <-- define getter returning data by value
Person(const std::string& name)
: Age(0, std::bind(&Person::GetAge, this)) { // <-- bind getter to the object}
int GetAge() const { return Age() * 2; } // <-- custom getter that multiplies the value by 2
Class that uses properties with getter or setter should implement a copy constructor to assign getter and setter functions to the new object.
For properties with custome getter GetRaw() method should be used in copy constructor to copy proper underlying value.
// For properties with custom getter and setter, we need to define copy constructor
Person(const Person& other)
: Name(other.Name())
, Age(other.Age(), std::bind(&Person::SetAge, this, std::placeholders::_1))
, Address(other.Address.GetRaw(), std::bind(&Person::GetAddress, this)) // Because we declared getter that returns string by value, we need to use GetRaw() to get the initial value
- Declaration for read-only property
PropertyRO<int> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property
PropertyRW<int> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property with getter that returns data by value
PropertyRWG<int, GetterTypeValue<int>> Age;
- Declaration for read-only property with getter that returns data by reference (this behavior is default)
PropertyROG<int, GetterTypeRef<int>> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property with setter that sets data by value
PropertyRWS<int, SetterTypeValue<int>> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property with setter that sets data by constant reference (this behavior is default)
PropertyRWS<int, SetterTypeConstRef<int>> Age;
- Declaration for read-only property with multitheading support
PropertyROMT<int> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property with multitheading support
PropertyRWMT<int> Age;
- Declaration for read-write property with custom getter and setter and multitheading support
PropertyRWGSMT<int> Age;
- RO, RW - read-only and read-write properties
- G, S, GS - getter, setter or both. Empty means property doesn't have getter or setter support
- MT - if specified, property will be thread-safe
- Add propp as submodule to your project
git submodule add vendor/propp
- Update submodules to download dependencies
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Add propp as subdirectory to your CMakeLists.txt
add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vendor/propp propp_build)
- Add propp as dependency to your target and set C++17 standard
target_link_libraries(<your_project> PRIVATE propp)
target_compile_features(<your_project> PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
See examples/CMakeLists.txt for example of usage
- Navigate to 'examples' directory
cd examples
- Run cmake to generate Visual Studio project
cmake -B ./build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" .
- Run cmake to generate XCode project
cmake -B ./build -G "Xcode" .