This release should be used instead of any previous 5.9 series release. Only build problems have been addressed since 5.9.7.
This is a patch release that allows Scale to recognize a loss of connection to the Mesos Master properly and terminate - previously scheduler process would continue running in an inactive state. Since Scale runs within Marathon, it will be able to recover when Mesos Master availability is restored.
- DC/OS 1.10+
- Docker 1.13+
- ElasticSearch 2.4
- PostgreSQL 9.4+, PostGIS 2.0+
- Message Broker (RabbitMQ 3.6 or Amazon Web Services SQS)
- Vault 0.6.2+ (only if not using DC/OS Enterprise for secrets storage)
Bug Fixes
- Versioning not reflected properly in Docker images and API
- Docker images for 5.9.7 not consistent with code-base.
- Updated deployment to no longer fail due to mismatched Python 2 / 3 package