A Pytorch (lightning)-based framework for deep learning. The purpose of this repo is to provide tools for training and evaluating image-based deep learning models with prepared datasets. It is focused on challenge scenarios where the goal is to train many models that are evaluated with test-time augmentation, and ensembled together.
Many components in this repo are inspired by my challenge-winning code repo that can be found here: ISIC Challenge Code.
Many things are WIP, if you would to contribute, open an issue/a PR or message me!
- Based on Pytorch Lightning
- Experiment tracking & model storing with ClearML - a powerful MLops tool
- A training config system with yaml files
- Job scheduling with ClearML workers & queues
- Test-time augmentation
- Evaluation & ensembling (also with ClearML artifacts)
- Supported task
- Image classification
- Supported datasets
- RSNA Pneumonia Chest X-ray Challenge (binary classification)
Planned features:
- Supported tasks
- Image segmentation
- Image bounding box detection
- Supported datasets
- ISIC Skin Lesion Classification Challenge
- More documentation
- More unit tests/regression tests
If you plan to do local trainings only, you can clone the repo, e.g. via SSH with:
git clone [email protected]:ngessert/my_dl_framework.git
If you plan to use scheduling via ClearML workers & queues, I recommend that you fork the repo as you will use it to sync your config files.
Setup a new python environment, e.g. with virtual env or miniforge. The recommended python version is 3.9 (that's what I tested). Then, install the requirements and package with:
pip install -r requirements.txt python setup.py develop
Download the data (e.g. the RSNA Challenge Data) and place it an directory, e.g., named RSNA_challenge. This directory should contain a folder with the images (e.g. named training_images) and the CSV with labels (e.g. named stage_2_train_labels.csv).
Optionally, you can create a cross-validation (CV) split file (or you the default one for the RSNA challenge cv_splitscv_split_3fold.json):
python my_dl_framework\\data\\define_cv_split_rsnachallenge.py --num_cv=3 --save_path=C:\\cv_split_3fold.json
We will treat any training as a CV training. Even if you just want to train one model with a simple train/val, split we do that by defining CV splits in a JSON file. This ensures that data splits are guaranteed to be reproducible.
Next, prepare a training config by copying the config configs/test_config.yaml. Update the location of your training data and CV-split file:
base_path: "C:\\data\\RSNA_challenge" csv_name: "stage_2_train_labels.csv" training_image_dir: "training_images" data_split_file: "C:\\cv_split_3fold.json"
There are many other options that are explained in the documentation.
If you want to use ClearML for experiment tracking, set up an account at https://clear.ml. Log in and generate App credentials by going to Settings -> Workspaces. Copy the generated credentials into the clearml.conf file in the repo root. Then, copy the clearml.conf file to your machines home directory.
You can run the training locally with:
python my_dl_framework\\training\\train_pl.py --config=C:\\sources\\my_dl_framework\\configs\\test_config.yaml -cl clearml
If you want to run training with ClearML workers & queues, please check the documentation.
Afer training, you can run evaluations and prediction on the training data or new data. You can either use a local folder with trained model checkpoints or a ClearML job id. For the latter case, the model checkpoints, configs, etc. are downloaded from ClearML.
Evaluation with local folder:
python my_dl_framework\evaluation\eval_and_predict.py --folder=experiments\training1--image_path=C:\\training_images -cl
Also, you can either run an evaluation in CV mode (on the training dataset) or prediction mode on new data. For the former, each CV model is applied to its respective data subset and the predictions are concatenated together for evaluation across CV splits. For the latter, each CV model is applied to all data and predictions are averaged across folds.
For CV mode add the flag --cv_eval.
The prediction mode is meant for new, unlabeled data, however, you can also provide CSV file in case labels are available: --label_csv_path=label_file.csv.
There are multiple test-time augmentation options that can be arbitrarily combined. E.g., use flipping augmentation with --tta_flip_horz and/or --tta_flip_vert.
For each evaluation run, a new subfolder is created in the original training folder, containing the predictions and logs. Also, metrics and prediction files are logged in ClearML. Multiple predictions can be used for ensembling.
For more options, such as limiting batches, skipping intermediate metrics, and test-time augmentation, check the documentation.
After evaluation, you can ensemble multiple models together: TODO