This Readme covers release 18.0 of the LORIS Imaging Insertion Pipeline for Ubuntu or CentOS systems
This repo accompanies the LORIS neuroimaging data platform main repo, release 18.0.*.
For documentation and detailed setup information, please see the LORIS wiki.
This repo can be installed on the same VM as the main LORIS codebase, or on a different machine such as a designated fileserver where large imaging filesets are to be stored.
- Perl
- MINC toolkit (step 3 below)
- DICOM toolkit (step 4 below)
On Ubuntu, DICOM toolkit will be installed by the imaging install script (step 4 below). This script will apt-get install dcmtk.
For CentOS: The LORIS wiki Imaging setup page (see Section 1, installing codebase) includes links to older transcripts for CentOS installation and notes on dependencies including DICOM toolkit.
The following installation should be run by the $lorisadmin user. sudo permission is required. See aces/Loris for further information.
sudo mkdir -p /data/$projectname/bin/mri
sudo chown -R lorisadmin:lorisadmin /data/$projectname
cd /data/$projectname/bin
git clone -b master mri
2. Install dicom-archive-tools sub-repo within the mri/ directory (created by the git clone command):
cd /data/$projectname/bin/mri/
git submodule init
git submodule sync
git submodule update
3. Install MINC toolkit from
Download the pre-compiled package for your operating system. Install required dependencies such as imagemagick. Then install your MINC toolkit package:
sudo dpkg -i minc-toolkit<version>.deb
Then source the MINC toolkit environment by running (for bash) source /opt/minc/
or (tcsh) source /opt/minc/minc-toolkit-config.csh
4. Run installer to set up directories, configure environment, install Perl libraries and DICOM toolkit:
cd /data/$projectname/bin/mri/
bash ./
You will be asked for the following input:
- What is the database name? $dbname
- What is the database host? $dbhost
- What is the MySQL user? $lorisuser [Use the same mysql user from the Loris installation, i.e. lorisuser]
- What is the MySQL password?
- What is the Linux user which the installation will be based on? $lorisadmin
- What is the project name? $projectname
- What is your email address?
- What prod file name would you like to use? default: prod [leave blank]
- Enter the list of Site names (space separated) site1 site2
If the imaging install script reports errors in creating directories (due to /data/ mount permissions), review and manually execute mkdir/chmod/chown
commands starting at
Note: The installer will allow Apache to write to the /data/ directories by adding user lorisadmin to the Apache linux group. To ensure this change takes effect, log out and log back into your terminal session before running the imaging pipeline. The installer will also set Apache group ownership of certain /data/ subdirectories.
To help ensure Apache-writability, verify that your environment file contains the following line:
umask 0002
Ensure that /home/lorisadmin/.bashrc includes the statement:
source /data/$projectname/bin/mri/environment
Then source the .bashrc file.
To ensure that BrainBrowser can load MINC images, the MINC toolkit must be accessible to the main LORIS codebase. (If the Loris-MRI codebase is installed on a separate machine, ensure the MINC toolkit is installed in both locations.)
Ensure the project/config.xml file (in the main LORIS codebase) contains the following tagset, specifying the MINC toolkit path local to the main LORIS codebase (/opt/minc/ in this example):
Ensure that permissions on /data/$projectname and /data/incoming and their subdirectories are set such that lorisadmin and the Apache linux user can read, write and execute all contents.
The following must be recursively owned by the lorisadmin user and by Apache group:
In the LORIS front-end, under the Admin menu, go to the Config
module. Under the section Imaging Pipeline
, verify/set the following config settings:
Loris-MRI Data Directory
Study Name
User to notify when executing the pipeline
Full path to script
Path to Tarchives
Click 'Submit' at the end of the Configuration page to save any changes.
Installation complete.
For customizations and protocol configurations, see LORIS Imaging Setup Guide :