Home-made thermostate with arduino uno + esp8266 wifi
Arduino wifi + esp8266 wifi card :
Card actually includes two different card (arduino uno + esp8266). You have to change the switches of the card in order to change the code inside the card. Cards are communicated with each other through serial port. I implemented custom commands to handle communication between cards.
Temperature sensor : ds18b20
I used resistor included temperature card. https://www.robotistan.com/mini-ds18b20-sicaklik-sensoru-karti?lang=tr&h=8e3d7304&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkZHTBRCBARIsAMbXLhHxNyBrOJAwbsfr22yjsicQv1qUM6T3fzAvHEPlUAHhQEEJ09k5LZoaAphHEALw_wcB
Gas sensor : MQ-4
I placed my thermostate to the kitchen. I used gas sensor to detect gas leakage.
Real time clock : DS3231
I don't impplement any functionality yet. https://tr.aliexpress.com/item/DS3231-AT24C32-IIC-High-Precision-RTC-Module-Clock-Timer-Memory-Module/2037934408.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.CdPxYm
TODO : I am going to implement RTC to open/close my heater after determined time like 2 hours later. I am also planning to implement a weekly schedule.
Ordinary button to open/close manually. ( In case there is no connection)
LCD screen :
It shows the current temperature value. https://www.robotistan.com/nokia-5110-screen-84x48-graphic-lcd
I am using blynk as a MQTT server. It has nice free mobile app as well.