Project 1 for Artificial Intelligence (CS360 -- Spring 2015)
• You can compile your code with g++ problem.cpp proj1.cpp -o proj1 For Windows, change proj1 to proj1.exe. • If there is no compilation error, you can run your program with ./proj1 layout name question number For Windows, change ./proj1 to proj1.exe. • If your algorithm is correct, it will solve question question number on layout layout name. The input layout file is layouts/layout name.lay. The resulting path is saved in layout name.out. A record file layout name stats.out is also generated.
Example We provide a simple breadth-first search example for Question 1.
- Compile the original code with g++ problem.cpp proj1.cpp -o proj1 5 6 Run breadth-first search on the layout bigMaze with ./proj1 bigMaze 0 It will expand 600+ states and generate the path file bigMaze.out and the statistics file bigMaze stats.out. Check that these files indeed exist.
- Visualize the path and expanded states with python -l bigMaze