POC to generate consolidated statistics from json files (generated by navitia-stat-logger or navitia-stat-exporter)
- Spark 1.5+ (may work with previous versions, but untested)
- A repository with exported statistics files where stat files are stored in a tree like
\- <year>
\- <month>
\- <day>
\- <files>.json.log(.gz)
The files are json logs (one json per line). The files may be compressed using gzip.
- For requests_calls consolidation
<path/to/spark>/bin/spark-submit --conf spark.ui.showConsoleProgress=true --master=local[3] requests_calls.py <your_export_directory> <start_date> <end_date>
start_date and end_date is in YYYY-MM-DD format
For coverage_journeys consolidation
<path/to/spark>/bin/spark-submit --conf spark.ui.showConsoleProgress=true --master=local[3] coverage_journeys.py <your_export_directory> <start_date> <end_date>
- start_date and end_date is in YYYY-MM-DD format
Note that the results are stored in the export dir