It's like Forth, Porth but written in T#.
"Hello World!\n" 1 0x2000004 syscall
$ <Tsharp executable> torth.tsp main.torth
$ nasm -f macho64 torth.asm
$ ld torth.o -o torth -macosx_version_min 11.4 -L /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib -lSystem
$ ./torth
# for loop
0 for dup 100 < do
dup print
1 +
Some of these are in progress and not marked as checked
- Implement integers
- Implement conditions
- Implement if statements
- Implement for-loops
- Implement addition (arithmetic)
- Implement subtraction (arithmetic)
- Implement comments
- Implement multiplication (arithmetic)
- Implement macors
- Implement variable assignments
- Implement function(block) definitions
- Implement function calls
- Implement division (arithmetic)
- Implement main method
- Implement arrays
Welcome! 💕