Xtend is a flexible and expressive dialect of Java that compiles into readable Java source code. You can use any existing Java library seamlessly. The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, and tends to run as fast as the equivalent handwritten Java code. Become productive and write beautiful code with powerful macros, lambdas, operator overloading, and many more modern language features.
Check out and run ./gradlew build
Additional command line arguments:
activates the Xtend compiler, but this is optional because the generated Java code is included in the repository.-PuseJenkinsSnapshots=true
switches to using the Maven repositories generated by the Jenkins build jobs for xtext-lib, xtext-core, and xtext-extras. Without this argument, Sonatype snapshots are used.
First run ./gradlew publish publishToMavenLocal
to compile and install the Xtend core module, then run
mvn -f maven-pom.xml clean install -PuseSonatypeSnapshots
With the above configuration, Sonatype snapshots are used for upstream Xtext dependencies. The alternative profile -PuseJenkinsSnapshots
activates the Maven repositories generated on the Jenkins server for xtext-lib, xtext-core, and xtext-extras instead.
Run mvn -f tycho-pom.xml clean install
Note: The target platform used for the Tycho build loads the required Xtext dependencies (xtext-lib, xtext-core, xtext-extras) from their respective p2 repositories on the Jenkins server.
- how to setup your workspace,
- how to contribute,
- and many other useful guides
This project is built by the xtext-xtend multi-branch job on Jenkins.