Inflow is a library for using InfluxDB with Java projects that need to talk HTTP or UDP. It takes code and architecture from both and projects. The goals are Java code query builders and results DTO, multiple connection management, and UDP transport support.
TODO: Where to publish this library for general consumption? Until I sort that out, /mvn install/ this project locally and then you can use it in your maven projects like so:
For an example of using the artifact and java code that will talk to InfluxDB, check out the Inflow examples project:
Initialize a new client object:
Client client = new Client("influxdb.local", 8086);
This will create a new client object which you can use to read and write points to InfluxDB.
It's also possible to create a client or database object for queries from a URI:
// client to talk at URI
Client client = Client.fromURI("http://influxdb.local:8086");
// database object to query and write to specific database URI
Database database = Database.fromURI("http://influxdb.local:8086/datinflowtho");
To fetch records from InfluxDB, you can:
- Do a manual query directly on a database:
String influxdbURI = "http://inflowexample:[email protected]:8086/inflow_test";
Database database = Database.fromURI(influxdbURI);
// executing a raw query string yields a QueryResult object
String query1 = "SELECT * FROM test_metric LIMIT 5";
QueryResult result1 = database.query(query1);
// get the point values from the QueryResult as an array with the collapser getValuesAsStringArray
String[] values = result1.getValuesAsStringArray();
- Query for data using the QueryBuilder object
// retrieve points array with the query builder
String[] points2 = database.getQueryBuilder()
// get the query command from the QueryBuilder
String query3 = database.getQueryBuilder()
.where("region = 'us-west'")
Make sure that you enter single quotes when doing a where query on strings. Otherwise InfluxDB will return an empty result.
You can get the last executed query from the client static method getLastQuery()
String lastQuery1 = client.getLastQuery();
Writing data is done by providing an array of points to the writePoints method on a database:
Client client = new Client("influxdb.local", 8086);
// specify to use inflow_test database
Database database = client.selectDB("inflow_test");
Point point1 = Point
.field("value", 0.64)
.tag("host", "server01")
.tag("region", "us-west")
.field("cpucount", 10)
.time(1452129125, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 2016-01-07 01:12:05 GMT
// Note: It's possible to add multiple fields (see when writing measurements to InfluxDB.
Point point2 = Point
.field("value", 0.84)
// Note: No .time() - InfluxDB uses the current time as the default timestamp.
// data points of test_metric measurement, which include optional tags and fields
Point point3 = Point
.measurement("test_metric") // name of the measurement
.field("value", 0.64) // the measurement value
.tag("host", "server01") // optional tags
.tag("region", "us-west")
.field("cpucount", 10) // optional additional fields
.time(1452659705, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 2016-01-13 04:34:05 GMT
Point point4 = Point
.measurement("test_metric") // name of the measurement
.field("value", 0.84) // the measurement value
.tag("host", "server01") // optional tags
.tag("region", "us-west")
.field("cpucount", 10) // optional additional fields
.time(1452659709, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 2016-01-13 04:34:09 GMT
Point[] points = new Point[]{point1, point2, point3, point4};
It's possible to add multiple fields when writing measurements to InfluxDB. The point class allows one to easily write data in batches to influxDB.
The name of a measurement and the value are mandatory. Additional fields, tags and a timestamp are optional. InfluxDB takes the current time as the default timestamp.
First, set your InfluxDB host to support incoming UDP sockets:
enabled = true
bind-address = ":4444"
# if you don't specify database, measurements received will go into a database called udp
database = "inflow_test"
Then, tell the client to use the UDP driver:
String influxdbURI = "http://inflowexample:[email protected]:8086";
Client client = Client.fromURI(influxdbURI);
DriverInterface driver = new DriverUDP(client.getHost(), 4444);
Point point5 = Point
.field("value", 0.85)
.tag("host", "server01")
.tag("region", "us-west")
.tag("proto", "udp")
.field("cpucount", 10)
// write the point using UDP
It's important to provide the correct precision when adding a timestamp to a Point object. This is because if you specify a timestamp in seconds and the default (nanosecond) precision is set; the entered timestamp will be invalid. See use of TimeUnit enums for examples on specifying a specific precision.
When creating a database a default retention policy is added. This retention policy does not have a duration so the data will be flushed with the memory.
This library makes it easy to provide a retention policy when creating a database:
// create the client
Client client = new Client("influxdb.local", 8086, "inflowexample", "inflow011");
// select the database
$database = client.selectDB('influx_test_db');
// create the database with a retention policy
database.create(new RetentionPolicy("test", "5d", 1, true));
// check if a database exists then create it if it doesn't
Database database = client.selectDB("inflow_test");
if (!database.exists()) {
database.create(new RetentionPolicy("test", "1d", 2, true));
You can also alter retention policies:
database.alterRetentionPolicy(new RetentionPolicy("test", "2d", 5, true));
and list them:
Series series = database.listRetentionPolicies();
You can add more retention policies to a database:
database.createRetentionPolicy(new RetentionPolicy("test2", "30d", 1, false));
Some functions are too general for a database. So these are available in the client:
// list users
Series usersSeries = client.listUsers();
// list databases
Series databasesSeries = client.listDatabases();
You can use the client's client.admin functionality to administer InfluxDB via the API.
// add a new user without privileges
client.createUser("testuser123", "testpassword");
// add a new user with ALL cluster-wide privileges
client.admin.createUser("admin_user", "password", InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.ALL);
// drop user testuser123
List all the users:
// show a list of all users
QueryResult usersResults = client.admin.showUsers();
String[] users = usersResults.getValuesAsStringArray();
Granting permissions can be done on both the database level and cluster-wide. To grant a user specific privileges on a database, provide a database object or a database name.
// grant permissions using a database object
Database database = client.selectDB("test_db");
client.admin.grant(InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.READ, "testuser123", database);
// give user testuser123 read privileges on database test_db
client.admin.grant(InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.READ, "testuser123", 'test_db');
// revoke user testuser123's read privileges on database test_db
client.admin.revoke(InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.READ, "testuser123", 'test_db');
// grant a user cluster-wide privileges
client.admin.grant(InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.READ, "testuser123");
// Revoke an admin's cluster-wide privileges
client.admin.revoke(InfluxDB.UserPrivilege.ALL, "admin_user");
- Documentation updates
- Update packaging to com.koadweb.inflow
- More SLF4J logger emissions, code cleanup, docs updates
- Implementation refinement
- Development release
- InfluxDB 0.9.4 support