Sometimes we have found an amazing album but it is not splittedd in a proper way, just a big long song... with lobster you can retrieve the long audio file (local or download audio from Youtube video) and divide it into mp3 files and store them into their album directory just with one simple command:
$ lobster --artist="Samsara Blues Experiment" --album="Long Distance Trip" --tracks=/tmp/tracks \
--source=youtube --input= --output=/tmp/
Maybe you are wondering where did you specify where to divide the track, all magic happens in the file which
we send as parameter to the --tracks
The file /tmp/tracks
looks as follows:
Singata Mystic Queen|00:00
Army of Ignorance|11:37
For the Lost Souls|16:12
Center of the Sun|26:11
Wheel of Life|39:18
Double Freedom|43:47
You can find an example file under the examples directory.
But if you do not want to an input file or write all those arguments, There is wizard mode for you, run lobster as Wizard and forgot about all the above syntax
$ lobster -m wizard
<lobster> (\/) (°,,,°) (\/) -- woop woop woop
<lobster> Enter artist name: Gorilla Pulp
<lobster> Enter album name: Heavy Lips
<lobster> Enter the source y=Youtube|l=local: [Y/l]
<lobster> Enter Video URL:
<lobster> Enter the destination directory: /tmp
<lobster> Enter Number of tracks: 8
<lobster> Enter Track Number 1 Name: Bless The Moon
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 1 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 00:00
<lobster> Enter Track Number 2 Name: In your waters
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 2 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 04:34
<lobster> Enter Track Number 3 Name: The Witches Twirl
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 3 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 8:07
<lobster> Enter Track Number 4 Name: Heavy Lips
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 4 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 12:04
<lobster> Enter Track Number 5 Name: Cactus Killer
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 5 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 18:14
<lobster> Enter Track Number 6 Name: Prey On Your Mind
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 6 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 22:37
<lobster> Enter Track Number 7 Name: The Low Song
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 7 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 27:18
<lobster> Enter Track Number 8 Name: Ape Eyes
<lobster> Enter Time where Track 8 starts: (e.g: 04:20) 32:48
artist: Gorilla Pulp
album: Heavy Lips
source: youtube
output: /tmp
name: Bless The Moon poisition: 1
initial time: 00:00
name: In your waters
poisition: 2
initial time: 04:34
name: The Witches Twirl
poisition: 3
initial time: 8:07
name: Heavy Lips
poisition: 4
initial time: 12:04
name: Cactus Killer
poisition: 5
initial time: 18:14
name: Prey On Your Mind
poisition: 6
initial time: 22:37
name: The Low Song
poisition: 7
initial time: 27:18
name: Ape Eyes
poisition: 8
initial time: 32:48
Is the above information correct: [Y/n]
$ lobster -h
usage: lobster [-h] --artist ARTIST --album ALBUM --tracks TRACKS --source
{local,youtube} --input INPUT --output OUTPUT [--format FORMAT]
Cut audio files with a single command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--artist ARTIST, -ar ARTIST
Name of the artist of the track this will be used to
name the output directory
--album ALBUM, -al ALBUM
Name of the album, this will be used to name the
output directory
--tracks TRACKS, -t TRACKS
File containing the information to build the tracks
--source {local,youtube}, -s {local,youtube}
Name of the media file source
--input INPUT, -i INPUT
Path to the source media file
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
Path to the utput directory
--format FORMAT Input media file format
--mode MODE, -m MODE Launch Lobster in Wizard or Command mode,`wizard` will
launch the Wizard mode, `cmd` will lauch Command mode,
`cmd` is the current default
You can install the lobster via the package manager:
$ sudo pip install lobster