The Salesforce source supports both Full Refresh
and Incremental
syncs. You can choose if this connector will copy only the new or updated data, or all rows in the tables and columns you set up for replication, every time a sync is run.
The Connector supports Custom Fields
for each of their available streams
Several output streams are available from this source. A list of these streams can be found below in the Streams section.
Feature | Supported? |
Full Refresh Sync | Yes |
Incremental Sync | Yes |
SSL connection | Yes |
Namespaces | No |
The connector is restricted by daily Salesforce rate limiting. The connector uses as much rate limit as it can every day, then ends the sync early with success status and continues the sync from where it left the next time. Note that, picking up from where it ends will work only for incremental sync.
- Salesforce Account
- Salesforce OAuth credentials
- Dedicated Salesforce user (optional)
Note: We recommend creating a new Salesforce user, restricted, read-only OAuth credentials specifically for Airbyte access. In addition, you can restrict access to only the data and streams you need by creating a profile in Salesforce and assigning it to the user.
We recommend the following walkthrough while keeping in mind the edits we suggest below for setting up a Salesforce app that can pull data from Salesforce and locating the credentials you need to provide to Airbyte.
Suggested edits:
- If your salesforce URL does not take the form
, use your actual Salesforce domain name. For example, if your Salesforce URL
then use that instead
. - When running a
command, always run it with the-L
option to follow any redirects.
If you log in using at, then the value is false. If you log in at then the value should be true. If this is Greek to you, then this value should probably be false.
Note: The connector supports reading not only standard streams (listed below), but also reading Custom Objects
List of available streams:
- AIApplication
- AIApplicationConfig
- AIInsightAction
- AIInsightFeedback
- AIInsightReason
- AIInsightValue
- AIRecordInsight
- AcceptedEventRelation
- Account
- AccountCleanInfo
- AccountContactRole
- AccountFeed
- AccountHistory
- AccountPartner
- AccountShare
- ActionLinkGroupTemplate
- ActionLinkTemplate
- ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric
- ActivePermSetLicenseMetric
- ActiveProfileMetric
- ActiveScratchOrg
- ActiveScratchOrgFeed
- ActiveScratchOrgHistory
- ActiveScratchOrgShare
- AdditionalNumber
- AlternativePaymentMethod
- AlternativePaymentMethodShare
- ApexClass
- ApexComponent
- ApexEmailNotification
- ApexLog
- ApexPage
- ApexPageInfo
- ApexTestQueueItem
- ApexTestResult
- ApexTestResultLimits
- ApexTestRunResult
- ApexTestSuite
- ApexTrigger
- ApiAnomalyEventStore
- ApiAnomalyEventStoreFeed
- ApiEvent
- AppAnalyticsQueryRequest
- AppDefinition
- AppMenuItem
- AppUsageAssignment
- AppointmentSchedulingPolicy
- AppointmentTopicTimeSlot
- AppointmentTopicTimeSlotFeed
- AppointmentTopicTimeSlotHistory
- Asset
- AssetAction
- AssetActionSource
- AssetFeed
- AssetHistory
- AssetRelationship
- AssetRelationshipFeed
- AssetRelationshipHistory
- AssetShare
- AssetStatePeriod
- AssignedResource
- AssignedResourceFeed
- AssignmentRule
- AssociatedLocation
- AssociatedLocationHistory
- AsyncApexJob
- Attachment
- AuraDefinition
- AuraDefinitionBundle
- AuraDefinitionBundleInfo
- AuraDefinitionInfo
- AuthConfig
- AuthConfigProviders
- AuthProvider
- AuthSession
- AuthorizationForm
- AuthorizationFormConsent
- AuthorizationFormConsentHistory
- AuthorizationFormConsentShare
- AuthorizationFormDataUse
- AuthorizationFormDataUseHistory
- AuthorizationFormDataUseShare
- AuthorizationFormHistory
- AuthorizationFormShare
- AuthorizationFormText
- AuthorizationFormTextFeed
- AuthorizationFormTextHistory
- BackgroundOperation
- BrandTemplate
- BrandingSet
- BrandingSetProperty
- BulkApiResultEventStore
- BusinessHours
- BusinessProcess
- Calendar
- CalendarView
- CalendarViewShare
- CallCenter
- CallCoachingMediaProvider
- Campaign
- CampaignFeed
- CampaignHistory
- CampaignMember
- CampaignMemberStatus
- CampaignShare
- CardPaymentMethod
- Case
- CaseComment
- CaseContactRole
- CaseFeed
- CaseHistory
- CaseShare
- CaseSolution
- CaseStatus
- CaseTeamMember
- CaseTeamRole
- CaseTeamTemplate
- CaseTeamTemplateMember
- CaseTeamTemplateRecord
- CategoryData
- CategoryNode
- ChatterActivity
- ChatterExtension
- ChatterExtensionConfig
- ClientBrowser
- CollaborationGroup
- CollaborationGroupFeed
- CollaborationGroupMember
- CollaborationGroupMemberRequest
- CollaborationInvitation
- CommSubscription
- CommSubscriptionChannelType
- CommSubscriptionChannelTypeFeed
- CommSubscriptionChannelTypeHistory
- CommSubscriptionChannelTypeShare
- CommSubscriptionConsent
- CommSubscriptionConsentFeed
- CommSubscriptionConsentHistory
- CommSubscriptionConsentShare
- CommSubscriptionFeed
- CommSubscriptionHistory
- CommSubscriptionShare
- CommSubscriptionTiming
- CommSubscriptionTimingFeed
- CommSubscriptionTimingHistory
- Community
- ConferenceNumber
- ConnectedApplication
- ConsumptionRate
- ConsumptionRateHistory
- ConsumptionSchedule
- ConsumptionScheduleFeed
- ConsumptionScheduleHistory
- ConsumptionScheduleShare
- Contact
- ContactCleanInfo
- ContactFeed
- ContactHistory
- ContactPointAddress
- ContactPointAddressHistory
- ContactPointAddressShare
- ContactPointConsent
- ContactPointConsentHistory
- ContactPointConsentShare
- ContactPointEmail
- ContactPointEmailHistory
- ContactPointEmailShare
- ContactPointPhone
- ContactPointPhoneHistory
- ContactPointPhoneShare
- ContactPointTypeConsent
- ContactPointTypeConsentHistory
- ContactPointTypeConsentShare
- ContactRequest
- ContactRequestShare
- ContactShare
- ContentAsset
- ContentDistribution
- ContentDistributionView
- ContentDocument
- ContentDocumentFeed
- ContentDocumentHistory
- ContentDocumentSubscription
- ContentFolder
- ContentFolderLink
- ContentNotification
- ContentTagSubscription
- ContentUserSubscription
- ContentVersion
- ContentVersionComment
- ContentVersionHistory
- ContentVersionRating
- ContentWorkspace
- ContentWorkspaceDoc
- ContentWorkspaceMember
- ContentWorkspacePermission
- ContentWorkspaceSubscription
- Contract
- ContractContactRole
- ContractFeed
- ContractHistory
- ContractStatus
- ConversationEntry
- CorsWhitelistEntry
- CredentialStuffingEventStore
- CredentialStuffingEventStoreFeed
- CreditMemo
- CreditMemoFeed
- CreditMemoHistory
- CreditMemoLine
- CreditMemoLineFeed
- CreditMemoLineHistory
- CreditMemoShare
- CronJobDetail
- CronTrigger
- CspTrustedSite
- CustomBrand
- CustomBrandAsset
- CustomHelpMenuItem
- CustomHelpMenuSection
- CustomHttpHeader
- CustomNotificationType
- CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics
- CustomPermission
- CustomPermissionDependency
- DandBCompany
- Dashboard
- DashboardComponent
- DashboardComponentFeed
- DashboardFeed
- DataAssessmentFieldMetric
- DataAssessmentMetric
- DataAssessmentValueMetric
- DataAssetSemanticGraphEdge
- DataAssetUsageTrackingInfo
- DataUseLegalBasis
- DataUseLegalBasisHistory
- DataUseLegalBasisShare
- DataUsePurpose
- DataUsePurposeHistory
- DataUsePurposeShare
- DatacloudCompany
- DatacloudContact
- DatacloudOwnedEntity
- DatacloudPurchaseUsage
- DeclinedEventRelation
- DeleteEvent
- DigitalWallet
- Document
- DocumentAttachmentMap
- Domain
- DomainSite
- DuplicateRecordItem
- DuplicateRecordSet
- DuplicateRule
- EmailCapture
- EmailDomainFilter
- EmailDomainKey
- EmailMessage
- EmailMessageRelation
- EmailRelay
- EmailServicesAddress
- EmailServicesFunction
- EmailTemplate
- EmbeddedServiceDetail
- EmbeddedServiceLabel
- EngagementChannelType
- EngagementChannelTypeFeed
- EngagementChannelTypeHistory
- EngagementChannelTypeShare
- EnhancedLetterhead
- EnhancedLetterheadFeed
- EntityDefinition
- EntitySubscription
- Event
- EventBusSubscriber
- EventFeed
- EventLogFile
- EventRelation
- ExpressionFilter
- ExpressionFilterCriteria
- ExternalDataSource
- ExternalDataUserAuth
- ExternalEvent
- ExternalEventMapping
- ExternalEventMappingShare
- FeedAttachment
- FeedComment
- FeedItem
- FeedPollChoice
- FeedPollVote
- FeedRevision
- FieldPermissions
- FieldSecurityClassification
- FileSearchActivity
- FinanceBalanceSnapshot
- FinanceBalanceSnapshotShare
- FinanceTransaction
- FinanceTransactionShare
- FiscalYearSettings
- FlowDefinitionView
- FlowInterview
- FlowInterviewLog
- FlowInterviewLogEntry
- FlowInterviewLogShare
- FlowInterviewShare
- FlowRecordRelation
- FlowStageRelation
- Folder
- FormulaFunction
- FormulaFunctionAllowedType
- FormulaFunctionCategory
- GrantedByLicense
- Group
- GroupMember
- GtwyProvPaymentMethodType
- Holiday
- IPAddressRange
- Idea
- IdentityProviderEventStore
- IdentityVerificationEvent
- IdpEventLog
- IframeWhiteListUrl
- Image
- ImageFeed
- ImageHistory
- ImageShare
- Individual
- IndividualHistory
- IndividualShare
- InstalledMobileApp
- Invoice
- InvoiceFeed
- InvoiceHistory
- InvoiceLine
- InvoiceLineFeed
- InvoiceLineHistory
- InvoiceShare
- KnowledgeableUser
- Lead
- LeadCleanInfo
- LeadFeed
- LeadHistory
- LeadShare
- LeadStatus
- LegalEntity
- LegalEntityFeed
- LegalEntityHistory
- LegalEntityShare
- LightningExitByPageMetrics
- LightningExperienceTheme
- LightningOnboardingConfig
- LightningToggleMetrics
- LightningUriEvent
- LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics
- LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics
- LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics
- LightningUsageByPageMetrics
- ListEmail
- ListEmailIndividualRecipient
- ListEmailRecipientSource
- ListEmailShare
- ListView
- ListViewChart
- ListViewEvent
- LiveChatSensitiveDataRule
- Location
- LocationFeed
- LocationHistory
- LocationShare
- LoginAsEvent
- LoginEvent
- LoginGeo
- LoginHistory
- LoginIp
- LogoutEvent
- MLField
- MLPredictionDefinition
- Macro
- MacroHistory
- MacroInstruction
- MacroShare
- MacroUsage
- MacroUsageShare
- MailmergeTemplate
- MatchingInformation
- MatchingRule
- MatchingRuleItem
- MessagingChannel
- MessagingChannelSkill
- MessagingConfiguration
- MessagingDeliveryError
- MessagingEndUser
- MessagingEndUserHistory
- MessagingEndUserShare
- MessagingLink
- MessagingSession
- MessagingSessionFeed
- MessagingSessionHistory
- MessagingSessionShare
- MessagingTemplate
- MetadataPackage
- MetadataPackageVersion
- MobileApplicationDetail
- MsgChannelLanguageKeyword
- MutingPermissionSet
- MyDomainDiscoverableLogin
- NamedCredential
- NamespaceRegistry
- NamespaceRegistryFeed
- NamespaceRegistryHistory
- Note
- OauthCustomScope
- OauthCustomScopeApp
- OauthToken
- ObjectPermissions
- OnboardingMetrics
- OperatingHours
- OperatingHoursFeed
- Opportunity
- OpportunityCompetitor
- OpportunityContactRole
- OpportunityFeed
- OpportunityFieldHistory
- OpportunityHistory
- OpportunityLineItem
- OpportunityPartner
- OpportunityShare
- OpportunityStage
- Order
- OrderFeed
- OrderHistory
- OrderItem
- OrderItemFeed
- OrderItemHistory
- OrderShare
- OrderStatus
- OrgDeleteRequest
- OrgDeleteRequestShare
- OrgMetric
- OrgMetricScanResult
- OrgMetricScanSummary
- OrgWideEmailAddress
- Organization
- PackageLicense
- PackagePushError
- PackagePushJob
- PackagePushRequest
- PackageSubscriber
- Partner
- PartnerRole
- PartyConsent
- PartyConsentFeed
- PartyConsentHistory
- PartyConsentShare
- Payment
- PaymentAuthAdjustment
- PaymentAuthorization
- PaymentGateway
- PaymentGatewayLog
- PaymentGatewayProvider
- PaymentGroup
- PaymentLineInvoice
- PaymentMethod
- Period
- PermissionSet
- PermissionSetAssignment
- PermissionSetGroup
- PermissionSetGroupComponent
- PermissionSetLicense
- PermissionSetLicenseAssign
- PermissionSetTabSetting
- PlatformCachePartition
- PlatformCachePartitionType
- PlatformEventUsageMetric
- Pricebook2
- Pricebook2History
- PricebookEntry
- PricebookEntryHistory
- ProcessDefinition
- ProcessException
- ProcessExceptionShare
- ProcessInstance
- ProcessInstanceNode
- ProcessInstanceStep
- ProcessInstanceWorkitem
- ProcessNode
- Product2
- Product2Feed
- Product2History
- ProductConsumptionSchedule
- Profile
- Prompt
- PromptAction
- PromptActionShare
- PromptError
- PromptErrorShare
- PromptVersion
- Publisher
- PushTopic
- QueueSobject
- QuickText
- QuickTextHistory
- QuickTextShare
- QuickTextUsage
- QuickTextUsageShare
- RecentlyViewed
- Recommendation
- RecordAction
- RecordActionHistory
- RecordType
- RedirectWhitelistUrl
- Refund
- RefundLinePayment
- Report
- ReportAnomalyEventStore
- ReportAnomalyEventStoreFeed
- ReportEvent
- ReportFeed
- ResourceAbsence
- ResourceAbsenceFeed
- ResourceAbsenceHistory
- ResourcePreference
- ResourcePreferenceFeed
- ResourcePreferenceHistory
- ReturnOrder
- ReturnOrderFeed
- ReturnOrderHistory
- ReturnOrderItemAdjustment
- ReturnOrderItemTax
- ReturnOrderLineItem
- ReturnOrderLineItemFeed
- ReturnOrderLineItemHistory
- ReturnOrderShare
- SPSamlAttributes
- SamlSsoConfig
- Scontrol
- ScratchOrgInfo
- ScratchOrgInfoFeed
- ScratchOrgInfoHistory
- ScratchOrgInfoShare
- SearchPromotionRule
- SecureAgent
- SecureAgentPlugin
- SecureAgentPluginProperty
- SecureAgentsCluster
- SecurityCustomBaseline
- ServiceAppointment
- ServiceAppointmentFeed
- ServiceAppointmentHistory
- ServiceAppointmentShare
- ServiceAppointmentStatus
- ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceFeed
- ServiceResourceHistory
- ServiceResourceShare
- ServiceResourceSkill
- ServiceResourceSkillFeed
- ServiceResourceSkillHistory
- ServiceSetupProvisioning
- ServiceTerritory
- ServiceTerritoryFeed
- ServiceTerritoryHistory
- ServiceTerritoryMember
- ServiceTerritoryMemberFeed
- ServiceTerritoryMemberHistory
- ServiceTerritoryShare
- ServiceTerritoryWorkType
- ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeFeed
- ServiceTerritoryWorkTypeHistory
- SessionHijackingEventStore
- SessionHijackingEventStoreFeed
- SessionPermSetActivation
- SetupAssistantStep
- SetupAuditTrail
- SetupEntityAccess
- Site
- SiteFeed
- SiteHistory
- SiteIframeWhiteListUrl
- SiteRedirectMapping
- Skill
- SkillRequirement
- SkillRequirementFeed
- SkillRequirementHistory
- Solution
- SolutionFeed
- SolutionHistory
- SolutionStatus
- Stamp
- StampAssignment
- StaticResource
- StreamingChannel
- StreamingChannelShare
- TabDefinition
- Task
- TaskFeed
- TaskPriority
- TaskStatus
- TenantUsageEntitlement
- TestSuiteMembership
- ThirdPartyAccountLink
- ThreatDetectionFeedback
- ThreatDetectionFeedbackFeed
- TimeSlot
- TodayGoal
- TodayGoalShare
- Topic
- TopicAssignment
- TopicFeed
- TopicUserEvent
- TransactionSecurityPolicy
- Translation
- UiFormulaCriterion
- UiFormulaRule
- UndecidedEventRelation
- UriEvent
- User
- UserAppInfo
- UserAppMenuCustomization
- UserAppMenuCustomizationShare
- UserAppMenuItem
- UserEmailPreferredPerson
- UserEmailPreferredPersonShare
- UserFeed
- UserLicense
- UserListView
- UserListViewCriterion
- UserLogin
- UserPackageLicense
- UserPermissionAccess
- UserPreference
- UserProvAccount
- UserProvAccountStaging
- UserProvMockTarget
- UserProvisioningConfig
- UserProvisioningLog
- UserProvisioningRequest
- UserProvisioningRequestShare
- UserRole
- UserSetupEntityAccess
- UserShare
- VerificationHistory
- VisualforceAccessMetrics
- WaveAutoInstallRequest
- WaveCompatibilityCheckItem
- WebLink
- WorkType
- WorkTypeFeed
- WorkTypeGroup
- WorkTypeGroupFeed
- WorkTypeGroupHistory
- WorkTypeGroupMember
- WorkTypeGroupMemberFeed
- WorkTypeGroupMemberHistory
- WorkTypeGroupShare
- WorkTypeHistory
- WorkTypeShare
Note: Using the BULK API is not possible to receive data from the following streams:
- AcceptedEventRelation
- AssetTokenEvent
- AttachedContentNote
- Attachment
- CaseStatus
- ContractStatus
- DeclinedEventRelation
- EventWhoRelation
- FieldSecurityClassification
- OrderStatus
- PartnerRole
- QuoteTemplateRichTextData
- RecentlyViewed
- ServiceAppointmentStatus
- SolutionStatus
- TaskPriority
- TaskStatus
- TaskWhoRelation
- UndecidedEventRelation
Version | Date | Pull Request | Subject |
0.1.22 | 2022-02-02 | 10012 | Increase CSV field_size_limit |
0.1.21 | 2022-01-28 | 9499 | If a sync reaches daily rate limit it ends the sync early with success status. Read more in Performance considerations section |
0.1.20 | 2022-01-26 | 9757 | Parse CSV with "unix" dialect |
0.1.19 | 2022-01-25 | 8617 | Update connector fields title/description |
0.1.18 | 2022-01-20 | 9478 | Add available stream filtering by queryable flag |
0.1.17 | 2022-01-19 | 9302 | Deprecate API Type parameter |
0.1.16 | 2022-01-18 | 9151 | Fix pagination in REST API streams |
0.1.15 | 2022-01-11 | 9409 | Correcting the presence of an extra else handler in the error handling |
0.1.14 | 2022-01-11 | 9386 | Handling 400 error, while sobject doesn't support query or queryAll requests |
0.1.13 | 2022-01-11 | 8797 | Switched from authSpecification to advanced_auth in specefication |
0.1.12 | 2021-12-23 | 8871 | Fix examples for new field in specification |
0.1.11 | 2021-12-23 | 8871 | Add the ability to filter streams by user |
0.1.10 | 2021-12-23 | 9005 | Handling 400 error when a stream is not queryable |
0.1.9 | 2021-12-07 | 8405 | Filter 'null' byte(s) in HTTP responses |
0.1.8 | 2021-11-30 | 8191 | Make start_date optional and change its format to YYYY-MM-DD |
0.1.7 | 2021-11-24 | 8206 | Handling 400 error when trying to create a job for sync using Bulk API. |
0.1.6 | 2021-11-16 | 8009 | Fix retring of BULK jobs |
0.1.5 | 2021-11-15 | 7885 | Add Transform for output records |
0.1.4 | 2021-11-09 | 7778 | Fix types for anyType fields |
0.1.3 | 2021-11-06 | 7592 | Fix getting anyType fields using BULK API |
0.1.2 | 2021-09-30 | 6438 | Annotate Oauth2 flow initialization parameters in connector specification |
0.1.1 | 2021-09-21 | 6209 | Fix bug with pagination for BULK API |
0.1.0 | 2021-09-08 | 5619 | Salesforce Aitbyte-Native Connector |