For our final project as web development students at Ironhack Berlin we created a mobile web application. We decided to build a chat platform with predefined chatrooms that are only open to users in the same approximate geolocation. In other words: It lets you chat to randoms close by.
To check our deployed version, follow this link:
The required packages should be installed by running the following commands:
in the root:
npm install
npm install bootstrap react-bootstrap
npm install heroku-ssl-redirect
node bin/seed
in the client folder:
npm install
npm install --save passport-local passport bcryptjs express-session
npm install react-router-dom axios react-map-gl
To test the code run the following commands:
in the root
npm run dev
in the client folder:
npm start
- Ironhack Berlin
- Montasar Jarraya (our teacher)
- Pierre Portal (TA)
- André de Albuquerque (TA)
- Dalina Weidinger (TA)
- Svenja Maria Katharina Weiler (TA)