🌟 A curated list of awesome things related to Node.js from Indonesian
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- Blitz-CLI - A command line app to check cgv blitz movie seats - sonnylazuardi
- Bono - Koa-based web framework - reekoheek
- KambojaJS - A modern NodeJS MVC framework with simple, flexible and testable API - ktutnik
- Meteoris - New Meteoris, a MVC and Modular framework for Meteor - radiegtya
- starter-loopback-fireloop - A Starter Template using Loopback and Fireloop - dmastag
- Angka Menjadi Terbilang - Paket ini akan merubah angka menjadi kata-kata terbilang dalam Bahasa Indonesia - dikyarga & dewey92
- UAParser.js - JavaScript library to identify browser, engine, OS, CPU, and device type/model - faisalman
Node.js Indonesia