Arc is a flat sexy theme, based on Theme - Brogrammer.
Theme is listed as Theme - Arc
in Sublime Package Control.
- Download the .zip
- Unzip and rename the folder to
Theme - Arc
- Copy the folder into
directory, which you can find using the menu itemPreferences -> Browse Packages...
in Sublime Text
Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Settings - User
in Sublime Text or by clicking cmd + ,
on a Mac.
"theme": "Arc Dark.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Arc/Arc Dark.tmTheme"
"theme": "Arc Dark.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Arc/Arc Darker.tmTheme"
If you're using ST3 you could also use the Skins package. Activation becomes as simple as running Select Skin
from the command palette and choosing Arc Dark
or Ark Darker
from the list.