personal dotfiles to set up a new computer
- apt-get or brew
Download or clone the project, do not forget the submodules.
git clone --recursive
Update the configuration to specify which task should be run, finally, run the executable files with specified configuration.
./bin/dotfiles -c ./config/config.yml
- remap caps
- git
- install git
- copy .gitconfig
- link .gitignore
- configure git user info globally
- curl
- net-tools
- build-essential
- make
- cmake
- shadowsocks client(ss-qt5)
- proxychains
- python
- install pip2
- install pip3
- java
- install jdk(default-jdk)
- node
- install nvm
- install node via nvm
- install common global package
- go
- rust
- docker
- install docker-ce
- copy daemon.json(to use alibaba mirror)
- install docker-compose
- k8s
- install kubectl
- install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack
- install minikube
- shells
- link file(it then will be sourced by .exports file)
- link .exports file(should be read by bash and zsh)
- ssh
- link ~/.ssh/config
- execute ssh-keygen
- bash
- link .bash_profile
- vim
- install or reinstall vim(vim-gtk in Debian)
- install vundle
- link .vimrc, .tern-config
- install vim plugin via vundle
- build YCM plugin
- zsh
- install zsh
- install oh-my-zsh
- install zsh-autosuggestions
- link .zshrc
- tmux
- install tmux
- install(clone) tpm
- link .tmux.conf
- .ideavimrc
- xclip
- autojump
- ag
- powerline
- hub
gradle(apt 4.4)
Sadly, I have to install gnome extensions manually for the time being.