This repository is designed for learning FPGA development using Rust-HDL on the Nandland Go Board (iCE40HX1K VQ100). It includes Rust source files, a Makefile for automation, and a go.pcf constraint file to facilitate the design and programming process.
To set up the environment (using nix), run the following command:
nix-shell -p nextpnr yosys icestorm gnumake
This command will provide all the necessary dependencies to execute the Makefile, including:
- yosys: for synthesis
- nextpnr: for place and route
- icestorm: for generating the bitstream
- make: for executing build commands
- make: Builds the project, including synthesis, placement, routing, and bitstream generation.
- make upload: Writes the generated binary to the FPGA.
Rust-HDL also generates sim.vcd
which can be viewed by GTKWave
nix-shell -p gtkwave --run 'gtkwave build/sim.vcd
This project is released under the MIT License.