Developer Advocate blog ...from the client-side prespective
A somewhat random collection of articles written with Gnip customers in mind...
- Data stories
- Getting data
- Historical PowerTrack Ruby client
- Search API Ruby client
- Streaming data with Java HBC
- Streaming with Ruby
- Storing data (in proress)
- ActiveRecord
- MongoDB (next)
- Data Analysis (August)
- Simple Rails Demo App (September)
####Articles up at
- Geo-referencing with the Profile Location enrichments.
- JSON-->CSV conversion
- Running Ruby/Tk applications as Windows 7 applications
- Downloading Historical PowerTrack files
- "Gnip on Windows" articles:
- Preparing for High Volume Events
- Writing the client-side code that used Historical PowerTrack to collect data.
- Storing historical twitter data and mining it. Generating stats. Binning time-series data.
- Potential Twitter use-cases (with technical details).
- Data consolidation.