This project was created for an exam for a company. It's a basic full stack app which shows movies. You can filter records and import a csv file. You can also delete all records from the database.
I chose Node and Express since I wanted to use the same language in the frontend and the backend. I also used MongoDB because it is a rather simple project with only one table. Of course, if I had to store genres, actors and directors in separate tables, I would have chosen PostgreSQL.
I'm comfortable with Node and Express: it's a minimalist combo that takes care of essentials aspects of any backend like creating endpoints easily. The features of the backend are simplistic and the most complicated feature is probably enabling CORS.
There are no limitations for a basic backend like this one. Express communicates with MongoDB and the frontend gets access to the endpoints.
You will need the companion frontend to make this project work. In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode using Nodemon for hot reloading. Open http://localhost:3100 to view it in the browser.
Runs the app for production using Node.