Now ported to WebExtensions, originally a legacy add-on:
For example, pressing 1 takes you to the first result. Hold Alt (Windows/Mac) or Ctrl (Linux) to open results in new tabs, or Shift to open results in new windows.
This extension can save you time because your hands are usually on the keyboard after you enter a search.
Search Keys supports Google, Yahoo HK/TW/US, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Wikipedia.
Tested in Firefox 55 and up.
- When you use Search Keys to follow a link, the referrer is not sent.
- If a search result's title text has a direction different from the page's direction (e.g. a Hebrew result in an English page), the green box indicating the shortcut is misplaced.
- On the Hebrew-language version of Google, the hint should be placed to the left but is placed to the right.
- Does not work when the search-results page is in a frame.