A how-to showing install and use of open dyslexic fonts in latex documents.
Nathan Moore, Winona State University, [email protected]
I've read anecdotally that people who struggle with dyslexia can benefit from fonts which are intentionally designed to be asymmetric. One font like this is "Open Dyslexic", http://opendyslexic.org/. I write exams in the tex/latex typesetting language, and know tex at the dilletante level. So, the question I wanted to answer was, "How can I typeset a document and use Open Dyslexic fonts?"
Assumptions: I am working on a Windows 8 computer with MiKTeX 2.9 installed.
- Download the fonts from http://opendyslexic.org/ or https://github.com/antijingoist/open-dyslexic/.
- Unzip the fonts and drag them to c:\Windows\Fonts\ - this seems to complete the "installation."
- Open a .tex file in a MiKTeX-linked editor (I'm using TeXworks 0.6.1, which seems pretty standard).
- Add the following two lines to the document, in the "preamble" before the
\setmainfont{Open Dyslexic}
A source file, with images, and pdf output are included in this repository.